I hate how Akihito is looking younger every chapter, at first he looked 25, a regular guy and now he looks 17 and a very twink 17 at that. And don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against feminine looking men, but the fact that is that at the start of this manga Akihito was totally different in terms of design.

I can't get over Sensei's change of art style. She made both Aki & Asami look thiner and younger. Aki literally looks like a teen while Asami looks feminine with his soft features and lacks of muscles. It deseperates me. I feel like the essence of Finder has been taken away. I can't enjoy the characters since I barely recognize them now. Or maybe iam just getting older and I need to move on from this BL :,(

I dunno... I see it as a slight shift/update in the manga medium over the years. Im currently rereading chapter 1 after reading the latest update, and I still see the same characters. As a person who used to draw, I can see this being a product of shifting from manual to possibly digital (or partially digital) art. Tools have changes, preferences in process may have changed over the years, and considering the scope of time this manga has had, the art shift in character design is still familiar/close enough (to me). Ive read a manhua where the character designs were sooo different (i think due to change in artist) and they didnt try to follow the orig designs as much in thr newer chaps. Going to the old chaps for that one was jarring, which I dont experience for Finder now.
I don't even know if I want a redemption arc hahahahha Jaekyung is too much of an asshole to want him back with Dan.