I Can Do What I Want Because I'm Handsome
Fuck this shit I’m out
For one we never see it in the pov of the ML or see what struggles he's going through, it's just hinted that his parents are not there for him, him uncle hangs something other his he’s to control him and the bitch is also threatening him. So yh the mc has every right to be mad but the fact he instantly went bye bitch I’m out is just annoying, was the time skip really necessary?
I Just Want To Get Rid of You
I kinda enjoyed it but it was just so damn annoying how they prioritised the comedy and lightheartedness at the expense of story and character depth. Literally no character feels fully fleshed out and no story line was satisfying cuz all the heavy story shit just turned to a whatever. Comedy and heavy plots can go really well together, this was just shit, the "comedy" basically stopped any of the fucked up shit that happened from actually having any weight so N
Seems annoying and glad I read the comments cuz I got no time for this bullshit
My Young Master Ji Wushuang