Idk why the translation is so far from the raw. And the raw was finished i guesses. Imma re-read the raw hahaha coz, ohmyghad .i love them ahahah
Like come on. Im not defending the ml- i don't even like him . But can't you see both have short commings. The part of the past that was shown ( currently) is the MC's past so basically we don't understand what really happened back then since the MC's experience was one sidedly shown and she was sick at that time-mentally.
You all could blame the ml the hell i care. But you all are not open minded of the possiblity that BOTH the ml and Mc have shortcommings.
So i think, if you hate that the Mc will end up with the ml then DON'T READ. and if you're already annoyed why almost all the webtoons story endings are like this. THEN DON'T READ.
And you know what. I think this is good lije other good timetravek shojou- since i see Character developments. Not like those stories when i don't see any characters developement
All those dramas for just the reality show. Wth the cat deserves justice!!! I hate cats. But not this cats. The only significant character in this story is the seme and the cat
I think hIs father already appointed him as the heir ( like - he was just testing him so he didn't tell anyone yet that he has an heir )
Anyways the family us so greedy f*cked up and
Readers judging everyone without considering the other characters reason--- they all want happy-fluffy story like obviously this is not -- so why continue reading lol.
I guess not a cup of my tea- maybe i'll be back once i regain my interest in stories like these. Im focusing on fantasy and magic with lots of action ( no dramas)
Lol. She would have spared her faher- the one who took her but he killed her .lol so much for evilness.