AGE: 19 GENDER:Female SEXUALITY: Bi- sexual COUNTRY: India FIRST YAOI: Junjou Romantica FAV YAOI GENRE: Comedy, Fluff and of course Smut FAV YAOI: Honto Yajuu WORST YAOI: WHEN DID YOU START READING YAOI?: I've actually read it on and off for a few years... can't pin point exactly when I started WHAT GOT YOU INTO YAOI?: I was just really bored of ......
Dude same... I just turned 19 and I've never had a boyfriend or girlfriend. And while I'm happy and glad that my friends have found partners, I do sometimes feel pangs of longing to have the same thing you know...
Omg,it's so weird how we have the exact same story,like,spot on.I am also really bad at speaking,I was fat when I was young,and I can't take it when a couple are making out in front of me,it makes me jealous. So i'm like #Single4Ever ╥﹏╥ (even tho i don't want this)
I'm an American and the MY English is probably as close as it gets to sounding like gibberish most of the time. So don't sweat it. I try to say one thing and it comes out like an alien said it. From the way you write your question it's obvious you're not as bad as you think. I'm 17 and I've also never dated anyone. And I'm shy and currently I'm con......
No, you're fine, I'm 22 as well and literally my boyfriend just asked me out like a week ago, this is so new for me, and believe me I thought this will never happen to me until now, so be patient I'm sure love is coming in your way. By the way I'm sure you are not ugly, don't have such a bad perception of yourself, I feel the same way (so I can ......
first thing FIRST, measure the length of my ding dong. try out every condom shapes and tastes, have a lubricants stocked up. collect a cock plug? onaholes? oh.. sexdoll? and also shop myself a short, petite uke with bubbly butt, i'm gonna love fapping so much that i might be considered as pervert when i enter man's restroom and pretending on taking......
Characters you can take in a fight