While in pursuit of criminals, a police officer has an unexpected encounter with a rather uncanny de...
- Author: Pluto
- Genres: Action / Drama / Mystery / Supernatural / Webtoons / Yaoi
A charming young man with a job at one of the top firms in Korea, Param is a catch by everyone&rsquo...
- Author: Lee Gpiee
- Genres: Yaoi / Webtoons / Adult / Smut / Mature / Romance / Comedy
The wolf king picked up a puppy! Manhua artist Mawei's serialized new work!...
- Author: Mawei,麻尾
- Genres: Comedy / Slice Of Life / Webtoons
Kouichi starts his day off leaving school with a big farewell from his other club members. When he g...
- Author: ITKZ
- Genres: Yaoi / Fantasy / Comedy / Smut / Webtoons
Best friends Yeong and Nohae thought it was a joke when they downloaded the infamous “cursed&r...
- Author: fujoking
- Genres: Romance / Yaoi / webtoons / smut
Hye-sung spent his entire life believing he was an Alpha, the jackpot of the genetic lottery. But hi...
- Author: Fargo
- Genres: Yaoi / Romance / Webtoons / Comedy / Drama / Smut
Na-kyum is a young painter with an exceptional talent: creating erotic images of men. Though he has ...
- Author: Byeonduck
- Genres: Historical / Smut / Yaoi / Webtoons