there’s been so much teasing of the pairings in this manhwa i just want some sort of 3p 4p endgame. like every ml has some tragic sadsack bg that u can’t really feel worse for any one of them, the author may as well just make the ending the 3dudes sharing like whatever man just curb the misunderstandings/constant fighting. pleause,….,give me..,:.,,4p ending…,,aauuughhhhh..,,,
imagine like, squeezy toy being pulled & fought over by three unruly children. that’s maythan.
i took a bullet for u all and spoiled myself to post abt how i should let this update and keep reading
no spoilers but they’re at like. disequilibrium point in the narrative atm, so there’ll be a huge fuckoff clash and then they’ll have their repair/new equilibrium arc. basically things end on a good note. but this chapter is the beginning of the euuurrghh… uhhhh ooohhhh.. point of the story. so u can keep reading in confidence tht it dosen’t all end in tragedy or something
Yes! I love the arguments/misunderstandings arc of mangas, they’re my favorite.
it makes the happy ending all the more satisfyingg :3