Well... that was settled quite quickly. Maybe too fast for me or is it just the pacing of the updates that's fooling me? lol

seiii created a topic of The World’S Best Engineer


also yes the poly is very much polying hmmm yes yes *inhales the smell of poly* YES

my two cents on why oraboni is feeling that way:

During that trial of the Three Kings, the shadow person is actually Modern!MC before the transmigration and since she still sees that as an important part of her when she stabbed herself, it would seem as though a part of her has been gone as sacrifice to gain the Makya sword.

Or another theory, that part of herself has become the 'Makya' sword. Since the two swords could be seen as Yin and Yang, the two parts of herself could also be an allusion to this.

i could keep yapping lol

i alr know how this shit is gonna go but damn the art style... nicole u gotta geww!! nowwww!!!

seiii created a topic of The World’S Best Engineer

why is my first rick roll of the year by fuckass lloyd

seiii created a topic of Preference for the Possessor

deadass pointed to myself "me?" then scrolled down and proceeds to be disappointed

I don't like this type of story at all. It's a disappointing read. I'm stopping at ch15 because I can't bear it anymore.

She's so dumb that it's unbelievable. Girl, you're engaged to a prince and you're still getting on with a ton of men who are clearly interested in you and are always making moves any chance they get. If you claim to be a manga nerd or read webnovels then you'd know how to conduct yourself in such an environment and era smh. The whole trope about becoming like Nightingale just gets thrown out of the loop because of all the mingling drama with these LI candidates. The premise of the introduction of nursing and other medical thingies was interesting, but the whole presentation... meh

There's a lot of other issues and believe me I tried to turn a blind eye to everything and just read it for the sake of the art style while only using one braincell but that one braincell couldn't handle it and gave up.

Unless you're a fan of brain damaged fls with her 'cluelessly' formed reverse harem then you'd likely have the same sentiments as I do.

seiii created a topic of Dungeon Reset

im turning solia into owl-turkey this thanksgiving

this shit is so funny but like the art is crazy good I can't believe I'm reading this, it reminds me of beware of the villainess but more funnier dramatizations imsonormalaboutthisguys


seiii created a topic of Dungeon Reset

istg seungwoo is just sasuke in another world lmfaooo

i dont like everybody in here, the degree of detachment i have when i was reading this was cosmic

This is so ridiculous but I keep coming back every update. The uniform that pisses me off before now makes me laugh because they don't want us to forget that their mother Is Still A Minor and now the older children's appearance is getting closer to their mother's age LMAO

seiii created a topic of Preference for the Possessor

this is actually so good oh my god i love this so much. can't believe i found a gem like this

Max? A commoner? What commoner would spend a goddamn gold coin on wax for weapons? If anything, the emperor is the one who looks like it (even worse than a commoner, dare I say)

Dear Daddy Legis,
Being that scrumptious should be a crime. Your sheer sexiness and handsomeness can be considered as a weapon of mass destruction. That said, I would like to infer to you, in my utmost sincerity, that I would like to— glop glop glop glop ngh mmh glop glop glop

I have to be honest, I just skimmed through because I've already read the book and went through all the feels. Still, I can't help but squeal and giggle at every Callisto and Penelope interaction (and also scenes of Reynold, my beloved) even though I already know that they're going to end up together HSSHSHSHSHSHHSS