Hi, just wanted to ask if any had any suggestions of what colour I should dye my hair. I have had red and blue hair in the past (I suited blue best) so crazy colours are fine with me, I just want to try something new
I looked for this question myself before. There are so many videos on Youtube showing how warm undertones or cool undertones to skins could 'match' you up with the best hair colors. It also can widen as well as get smaller involving actual skin color. I personally like a velvet, silver/gray, and blondes as a fade on hair. Classy, and not too overwhelming, I give it a thumbs up! Lilac is also a favorite but its a bit more playful. ☆
Does anyone know where I can find ch 32? I just can't wait
but it's not free on lezhin :(
then just wait.
Just gotta buy it. Support her, she goes to the doctor a lot.