nectar is reading

Nagata Shingo plays cupid in school by investigating the target of affection. He finds out what thei...

  • Author: Suzumaru minta
  • Genres: Yaoi / Smut / Romance / School life / Slice of life
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Lmfao who tf pissed all these ppl off why they tryna cancel everyone
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not y’all having fr drama on an illegal manga site what even
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Bro, can we just shut the fuck up for once? This is a literal illegal website and most of us are just horny losers with no social life. Keep cancel culture outta here.
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Ah yes. Heterophobia. Because everyone hates on straight people all the time. In fact they hate straight people so much that they even have religions saying that people go to hell if they’re straight. That’s not all I heard people get executed in other countries if they find out you’re straight. Poor straight people. It’s like most of the t......
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What? Like I said what?, men reading yuris is quite literally the same as women reading bls, personally my opinion as a bi dude is if you're not fetishizing it then go ahead and read it, the only way for it to get weird is saying stuff like "uwu my fav bottom" or assuming a dude is a top/bottom because of their appearance, or shipping irl people on......
nectar answered question about go mad or crazy
That my brother used to touch me when he thought I was asleep. I would pretend that I was waking up so he would stop. That was when I was Like 9. He doesn't anymore though. I didn't tell anyone because that would have left my whole family feeling uncomfortable and he was going through things at that moment. My family also loads of problems so I did......
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*laughs in genderfluid* so when I feel masc or male, I’m not fetishizing anymore? What about enby? I’m very confused… but I understand. As I gender fluid lesbian, I hate it when I see men in the comments of a lesbian story. But I have learned to accept the good ones, and shun the fetishizing bad ones. I’ve learned to accept everyone (be......
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This is disgusting and deplorable. Are you seriously trying to gatekeep an entire gender from a community because of a handful of them? That's like saying the entire German population can't be allowed to practice Judaism because of the Nazis. The actions of a few shouldn't have to dictate the action of the majority. That's so stupid. Did you seriou......
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