People not knowing the difference between sex and gender... gender is a social construct, you can make as much as you want and even invent one, who cares (though I’ll never understand « catgender » and stuff like this ). However sex is a « biological » construct, it’s based on what you were born as, your chromosomes, blablabla. And when......

2021-07-31 06:39 marked
My speculations: The number of lines on her hand is the number of lifes she lived. She is reborn every time she is killed. Her fate is to wander into the town following the rails, every time she wakes up, and find her demise there. The captain wanted to look closer at Lisa because she thought she recognized her, as she has already killed her before.
2021-07-29 15:05 marked

I present to you a cinnamon roll

2021-07-27 21:19 marked

Here’s mine-

2021-07-27 21:16 marked

Fuck straight people. Fuck straight people. Istg if they make another sexuality to try and squeeze in here I am going to fucking leave this world. They've made us miserable for thousands of years because of some shitty man in the sky. They make young girls hypersexualise themselves because they feel the need to try and "fit in" They fucking fetish......

2021-07-27 20:46 marked

Changing the skin colour of an asian character (often east asian) to imitate another race (often black) is just as bad as white washing. you do realize that light skinned asians are still POC right? just because our skin colour happens to be closer to caucasians does not mean we get white privilege and surprise surprise, we dont. model minority ste......

2021-07-27 20:39 marked
This hits too close to home.
When I was on my last year of high school I met this amazing girl, that still is my best friend. I thought all my life I was straight. Homosexuality was not an option in my family. They used to say that they were disgusting, going to hell and was not normal. So obviously, I thought that too.
But then, after I met this girl, I felt a different kind of love, so different from my other friends. I cried when I started thinking "why does this feel different?, why? Just why?".
I was scared, of what people will say, what my friends will say, and most of it, what my family will say. So, like her I denied my felling and kept being her friend.
Then we entered university, same major, same classes, same classroom. And one day she told me on a recorded message that she loved me. I didn't know how to react, I was happy, but at the same time terrified of all the things above. So in the end I also ignored what she said.
One week later or so, a guy who was interested in her since we entered the major, started dating her.

It's been 4 years since that, and I thought that I was already okay, but I cried so much after reading this. I remember what I felt when she told me "that's my bf btw" and how empty I felt.
I just want to say to everyone that read this.
Don't be afraid if you feel similar to her. I know how hard is to come with your sexuality, especially if you have people that you are close to that hate the lgbtq+ community.
You're not rushed, come in terms with yourself when you're ready, not because you feel like you need to, but to feel better mentally and with yourself.
Don't let people decide who are you, what to feel and what to do. That something that only YOU can do. If you like girls it's fine, if you like boys it's fine, if you don't that's fine too. There is nothing nothing wrong with that. We are not doing anything wrong, like she said "it's our nature".
It's like I don't like mint and chocolate, but there's plenty of people who do like it. Thats it, let's move on.
People will always have something to hate, but don't let them win, don't let them have what they want. Just you do you, and tell people to focus on their own business, because where they are putting their noses is not.
Just know that you are loved, by me and many many more. You can talk to people just search for the right one, one who wants to listen and understands you.
2021-07-26 09:08 marked

my eyes just trail to their collarbones and neck every time they talk

2021-07-24 17:03 marked

Nope but fiction DOES affect reality. Fiction is also based on reality, up to some point. For example, if an artist does not know how a tree looks they will have to use an ACTUAL tree's image to draw a FICTIONAL one. The same thing applies to a child being drawn in a sexual way, the certain fictional child may not exist in reality but it is based o......

2021-07-24 14:36 marked

For dry skin, I recommend using natural aloe vera gels, also try to use natural peelings and face masks for dry skin (honey based, banana based, avocado based, egg based, add a few drops of lemon juice for vitamins, you can add rose oil, etc.). If you can, avoid applying products and makeup, or look for specialized makeup for dry skin. Before sleep......

2021-07-24 10:53 marked

Why would everyone freak out in a frickin PSYCHOLOGICAL film. It has the psychological tag for a reason. In every psychological film, it is just normal to be abnormal since it's all just a product of a creative minds right? Everything are normal in NGE. BNP, it is a straight up pedophilia. The guy is in his normal state of thinking and yet he did......

2021-07-23 21:27 marked

You could’ve used animes like Pupa, Gantz, Corpse Party, or Tsubaki Shoujo to prove your point. But Evangelion????? Really????

2021-07-23 21:26 marked

This fanny pack

2021-07-23 20:08 marked


2021-07-23 20:05 marked


2021-07-23 20:05 marked

i love all of you silly goofy ballsacks

2021-07-23 18:34 marked

I tried to sell my body and soul to satan when I was 12 n my mum wouldn't let me attend my OWN birthday celebration just cuz I didn't wanna wear the shitty ass clothes she was forcing me to wear. Well yeah,, that obviously failed cuz: 1. I didn't have red candles for the ritual 2. I was too scared to stab my throat with a knife

2021-07-23 18:26 marked

My parents, especially my mother labels my breakdowns as "temper tantrums" or simply say I'm being "over dramatic" Most of the time I think to myself "if I die, they'll finally believe how much pain I was in, right?" It became so bad, I became nauseous to the voice of my mother and sister happily chatting away. Everytime I would wash the dishes or ......

2021-07-23 18:23 marked

Assuming this is only happening to shitty mainstream BL, I honestly couldn't care less and am thoroughly enjoying watching all those fujos whining in the comment sections about the likes of Black Jesus Alex and PotN getting taken down. Cry more.

2021-07-23 17:01 marked
Dear lord. He picked an amanita muscaria. Those are poisonous unless boiled to a certain point. Having around 1kg of those mushrooms can kill you. With the amount he ate, he probably would only get a stomachache and nausea. Check your mushrooms dude.
2021-07-23 16:18 marked

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