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Littleweird January 4, 2024 4:30 am

I'm just putting this out here because I wanted to share my thoughts and I love this story.
I understand that people that are here for the romance plot or to see the main story progressing because they don't like or simpathize with the whole Brian and Soleite backstory ,or are just nos used to slow paced and world/character building focused stories are angry at the flashback being this long , but here are my two cents.
I think (since the author has been calculating and putting a lot of effort in the detailing the current state of their world and setting up the positions each character holds in the storyline) this is no flashback frenzy , it is actually extremely important for understanding Soleite and how the world came to be as it is now and may I add it's being done faster than expected for this much of a complex plot in a really impressive and without plot-holes so that we can better understand what's to come. It's a crucial part , where we learn how this world was estabilished and how *Sol came to love humanity* , seeing as he was more than happy to not meddle and just wanted to follow the orders of his mother to not be bothered and even get her power in the process (though he had no ambition for it).
He loved Brian first , and Brian had to be that character that loves everyone , that wanted to better the place even though he only worked himself to the bone to people that used him for the sake of keeping his tribe safe , but even though he wanted to do all this alone (which is one thing he has in common with Ian) , he knew he needed help to do so and in short Sol was the one to be there for him when no one else would. Seeing such altruism and display of self-sacrifice made Sol confused and surprised , since for dragons things were resolved in power and strengh battles , and there was no need to be in society , as all-powerful capable of world building beings. He was disgusted at it at first , the way Brian did things was annoying and ineficient in his eyes but that caused him to want to undestand why he did so , why did he love humans – which is the million dollar question since he never understood why his mother loved her flawed creation so much , but it was something she in her position could never show him.
Brian is not perfect as I've seen most people saying (though he is yout typical self destructing altruistic character) , he is also a human and understands all too wel the dirt that runs free in the world and how monsters are not the only ones capable of harm. You can see that in the very begining where Brian was angry and acted rashly since he thought he couldn't change the corrupted roots of his tribe's leadership and was also being sent to his death as a sacrifice all just so he wouldn't be shown a menace to those in power. He saw in Sol an opportunity to help the people, and he also didn't want to die there. He had his many struggles but tried to handle them by risking his life and putting himself to work and he never had anyone he could trust to share the weigth of his pains with , but he deals with it in a more mature way than Ian does since he is not confused by who he is and knows what he wants , he doesn't harbour the distrust that Ian has come to know from a lifetime of trauma and a very well schemed plan of imprinting by Brixton's part and possibly a lot of meddling in timelines as I assume that he received his mother's powers instead of Sol.
Brian loving humans besides their flaws is what made Sol love him and is what opened his eyes for what love is and finally understand his mother's affection towards her creation (much like Kaworu in Evangelion , though obviously Brian is not at all like Shinji though Ian does resemble him a bit). Finally Sol decided to go against his mother all for the sake of Brian— or so we thought , he actually wanted to understand and cherish humanity since Brian did and he even told him he would not lead them lightly , having sacrificed his godhood for living in Earth as a human (half-dragon).
I would be extremely sad if the second part of this backstory was rushed since now it all comes to how the world ended up like that , separated between the two dragon brothers and why is Brian's reeincarnation so dear to Brixton now or is he merely using him to control Sol , how Sol dealed with Brian's death and how he came to be a prosperous king, why was he killed , and who killed him? There are still many questions to be answered and I think if it was anymore fast paced as it is it would ruin it for all of us and it would meddle with the story flow.
And I'm pretty sure that if this part of the backstory was used as a prequel we wouldn't understand the main plot , it was probably put in the middle of the main story because we *need to know* what happened for the gran finale. Plus if all of this was put before the actual story began I just know most readers would have dropped because of the sudden change since it's basically two different worlds and the main story is still the focus of the author , this is no random flashback , this was needed as it is and it was in right timing. Most people are just not here for complexity and great storybuilding and that's fine everyone has their tastes and I know the attention span of most people today is really short lived. Not hating on anyone , I just thought I'd share why I think it's flowing in a good pace. I have high expectatioms and up until now I have not been let down yet.

Littleweird December 14, 2017 5:39 am

I don't understand why people want Kira to quit his job if the fact that he loves what he does is one of the pillars of the whole story and the moral lesson that comes with it -don't give up because of others / don't be ashamed of what you do (simplifying it)- , it also shows that you can solve you jealousy and other problems with communication , like any healthy relationship. And one of the things Kazuaki admires about Kira is his passion and seriousness about his job , exactly what he doesn't have about his own job because he was ashamed of it (going back to the moral of the story) . I personally think that if someone I like told me to stop doing what I love just because it gets them jealous - be it because of the way I need to interact with people in work (Kira's case) or simply because I wouldn't be able to give full time attention to them - would be an extremely selfish act and I don't think any relationship like this would work , since a relationship basis is doing for each other and thinking about things together rather than treating the other as your possession and when deciding things only thinking of your best and how would that affect you , this isn't a relationship and that's why ladies and gentlemen most of " relationships" do not last , because of selfishness and thinking of one's own interests in both sides .

Damn that was long … I can even fake I'm not crazy and take controlled medicine and be a decent teenager.

Not really though. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    StellarLuminous December 16, 2017 6:06 pm

    It's still not fair that Kazuaki is getting the shorter end of the stick though, I mean it would work if there was a mutual agreement that they were going to be in a polyamory relationship, but from my stance kazuaki is monogamous and is not having sex nor pursuing a romantic relationship with anyone bjt his lover. And all that thing you mentioned about respect and healthy relationships? Even if it meant having sex with other people.....that rule doesn't apply to monogamous people.

    wooosh December 16, 2017 6:45 pm
    It's still not fair that Kazuaki is getting the shorter end of the stick though, I mean it would work if there was a mutual agreement that they were going to be in a polyamory relationship, but from my stance k... StellarLuminous

    This has nothing to do with poliamory. It's his job and doesnt count as flings or relationships. Besides, they havent stated in any moment if they are in a monogamous rl or not although as I said that doesnt relate with him being a AV actor. Kazuaki has agreed with his job, they dialogue it when Kira ask him if he would be want him to quit.

    StellarLuminous December 17, 2017 2:50 am
    This has nothing to do with poliamory. It's his job and doesnt count as flings or relationships. Besides, they havent stated in any moment if they are in a monogamous rl or not although as I said that doesnt re... wooosh

    Still doesn't negate the fact that "he loves his job" meaning he likes having sex with other people, meanwhile kazuaki is only doing a normal office job without having sex with other people. And since you were generalizing your statement about the topic on romantic relationships, no monogamous person would ever feel comfortable with their significant other having sex with other people and label it as a "job" I felt like I had to reply because you're generalizing monogamous people like me as "selfish" just because we don't want our significant others to have intimate contact with other people, yes even if it is their job I'd still feel uncomfortable with it.

    StellarLuminous December 17, 2017 3:14 am

    " be it because of the way I need to INTERACT with people in work " Does this mean that if I found out that my husband is having sex with his secretary and other subordinates then I simply turn the other way and ignore it or else I'll be labeled "selfish"?
    "I don't think any relationship like this would work" I know a couple where the woman stopped being a prostitute for her fiance and now husband and guess what? they are still happily married today. Although my point is don't generalize what a healthy/unhealthy relationship is unless if there is really an obvious physical or emotional abuse. Romantic relationships aren't black and white as they seem. What you view healthy might be unhealthy for some.

    wooosh December 17, 2017 12:46 pm
    Still doesn't negate the fact that "he loves his job" meaning he likes having sex with other people, meanwhile kazuaki is only doing a normal office job without having sex with other people. And since you were ... StellarLuminous

    Well,you have made a lot of assumptions there, as that I consider monogomous people as selfish ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ no idea why. I said in this case Kazuaki doesnt want him to quit his job, this represents the main topic of the story and that he did makes sense and make it congruent. And he has jealouse issues that are resolved in the tone of this fiction. Because is fiction, yeah, so is easier. But dont forget that porn actors also has monogamous relationahips with no sex workers. This happens in real life too and they have to deal it. I imagine it is not easy.
    In poliamorous relationship they also have to deal with jealousy too and wveryone is diferent sometimes relationahips hasnt a label they make thwir own rules that work for them.
    You equals he loves his job with he loves having sex with other people, I dont know if thats true but I dont think is that simple. Porn actors has to have a great level of concentration to keep his erecction up, has to make a lot of cuts and make his role believable. They are actors so they have to act and not every actor is the same either. Its more complex.
    Maybe this is not your thing. Its fine, I dont know how I would do in Kazuaki situation but I can understand their POV, I found them honest and I feel they care for each other, thats a healthy relationahip for me.

    Littleweird December 17, 2017 6:29 pm
    " be it because of the way I need to INTERACT with people in work " Does this mean that if I found out that my husband is having sex with his secretary and other subordinates then I simply turn the other way an... StellarLuminous

    Firstly I would just like to specify that what I said about work interactions was only meant for Kira's case and people with jobs like his, sorry for the misunderstanding, infidelity is in no way forgivable . I said that a relationship where your partner tells you to stop doing what you love because of jealousy would not work , I'm happy for your friends though, they could work it out with communication and understanding, just like I also said in my text . I'm sorry if I have offended you in any way that was in no way my objective , I was just trying to show another perspective of the situation as well as my point of view.

    mihael February 7, 2018 7:56 pm

    Kira asked Kazuki how he felt about his job, which I think is the most important part. They talked about it and Kazuki was okay with it, even admired Kira for doing what he loved. There's also no implication Kazuki's monogamous. You can be in an open relationship where only one partner has other partners & that can still be a healthy relationship.

    The point at which *any* relationship becomes unhealthy is when you fail to communicate what you want. If Kazuki stopped liking Kira's job, the onus is on him to tell Kira. If he doesn't, Kira isn't responsible for hurting him since they've discussed it and Kazuki said he was okay with it. Similarly, if Kira refuses to quit his job and it's something Kazuki cannot deal with, splitting up is a viable option. If you're not comfortable with something your partner does, leaving is always an option if they won't change. But again, that's on the monogamous partner to communicate their discomfort and decide if their discomfort is greater than how much they love the person. Kazuki clearly mace a choice that he's okay with it. Pitying him diminishes that choice.

    Mameiha February 11, 2018 3:58 pm

    This is one of the best comments I've ever read on here. Your thoughts and views are mature, well thought through and expressed eloquently. I worked in adult entertainment for 20 years and for more than half of that time I was married. It is exactly as you say. Communication and mutual desire to build a strong and healthy relationship are key to keeping any relationship going, regardless of the type of careers the partners involved have. My husband was jealous at times because of my job, but we talked things over and made compromises for each other so that we could maintain a happy, healthy marriage without sacrificing income or career. We did the same when I was uncomfortable with his job. We worked together to stay together rather than fighting to get away from each other.

    You have a good head on your shoulders. Any person you decide to make your life partner will be blessed to have you in their lives. I hope you are equally blessed by their presence. Best wishes to you now and in the future.

    Mameiha February 11, 2018 4:05 pm
    Still doesn't negate the fact that "he loves his job" meaning he likes having sex with other people, meanwhile kazuaki is only doing a normal office job without having sex with other people. And since you were ... StellarLuminous

    Your assumption is completely incorrect. I worked in adult entertainment for 20 years and I know many couples who have happy, healthy relationships where one partner works in AV and the other does not. The partner not working in AV does not see the other partner's job as cheating. It is a job like any other. They both are faithful to each other in their emotional relationship, the non-AV working partner does not sleep with others and the AV working partner does not sleep with others outside of filming. You are assuming that everyone in the world thinks like you. They don't.

    Mameiha February 11, 2018 4:07 pm
    Kira asked Kazuki how he felt about his job, which I think is the most important part. They talked about it and Kazuki was okay with it, even admired Kira for doing what he loved. There's also no implication Ka... mihael

    Beautifully said!

    YunikonNiji February 25, 2018 7:49 am
    Kira asked Kazuki how he felt about his job, which I think is the most important part. They talked about it and Kazuki was okay with it, even admired Kira for doing what he loved. There's also no implication Ka... mihael

    I feel like the uke didnt completely accept the semes job since he just didnt want to prevent the seme from chasing after his passion and didnt want to lose him.

    Mameiha February 25, 2018 11:19 am
    Well,you have made a lot of assumptions there, as that I consider monogomous people as selfish ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ no idea why. I said in this case Kazuaki doesnt want him to quit his job, this represents the ma... wooosh

    Another great, open minded comment that makes me proud I share a love of this genre with so many awesome people. Your thoughts on AV actors is right on the nose. They do have committed relationships and it isn't always easy, but they work through it like adults. Well, the pros do. For a professional AV actor, if they sleep around with everyone they meet, they get a bad reputation in the business. They become a health and safety risk to their fellow actors. A bad reputation means no work and no work means no money. The pros take their job very seriously. Yes, sex is part of what they do, but it's not ALL they do. I worked in adult entertainment for 20 years and I can tell you truthfully, it is not nearly as glamorous or as sexy as non-industry people think it is.

    Mameiha February 25, 2018 12:14 pm
    I feel like the uke didnt completely accept the semes job since he just didnt want to prevent the seme from chasing after his passion and didnt want to lose him. YunikonNiji

    Saying, "I love it when you sleep with your fellow actors.", is not the only way to "completely accept" a person's work in AV. "Completely accepting" can also take the form of, "I still feel jealous, but when I do, we will work through it like adults with conversation and compromise." Adults in a relationship compromise all the time. This is how any strong relationship maintains balance. For one partner to have what they want the other person must agree and allow it. This is a form of compromise. If one is allowing their partner to do something and they support them in that endeavor, that is complete acceptance. You don't have to like something to accept it. I don't like paying taxes, but I completely accept that I must do it. I do it faithfully and I support the idea that they need to be collected, but I still don't like having to pay. The same applies here. The uke loves his seme and supports his seme's love for his work. He will still feel jealousy, because he is human (technically he is a fictional character, but he is written as a human), but because he loves and supports his seme's love for is job, they will find ways to work through their problems together.

    I was part of the adult entertainment industry for 20 years. Eleven of those years, I was married to my husband. He would get jealous from time to time, but we would work things out together and find ways to make him feel more comfortable, because he knew I loved my job and I was good at it. So, he did not want me to quit, he supported my choice if work. My job also brought in a lot of money for our family. He "completely accepted" my job and the things I had to do to earn a living. The longer I worked and the longer we were together, the less he got jealous. He began to see that there was nothing to be jealous about. I didn't love my customers or partners for work and my attitude towards them was always just one of a professional actor. I played a role at work, but my husband had the "real me" at home. My customers and coworkers only ever saw the character I played. I never had sex with my customers and the sex I had with colleges was so scripted and choreographed, there was no passion or spontaneity involved. Any passion displayed was an act, as phony as a 3 dollar bill. It looked good, but it wasn't really there. More than half the colleagues I worked with I barely liked, let alone loved! I would come home and complain to my husband about having to work with this one or that one. The colleagues I did like would come to dinner at my house with their partner or spouse. It really is a job like any other. There are coworkers you like and those you don't, but you still have to work with them. You're told what to do, where to do it and when to do it. At the end of the week, you get paid. I could stack boxes at a grocery store or put on a live sex show. One pays $500 every two weeks and the other pays $500 per night, five nights a week. I had the ability to make the latter.

    wooosh February 25, 2018 12:36 pm
    Another great, open minded comment that makes me proud I share a love of this genre with so many awesome people. Your thoughts on AV actors is right on the nose. They do have committed relationships and it isn'... Mameiha

    Oh! thanks for let me take a real view of how the AV industry works. My comments was just my guess and I see I wasnt wrong. Sex is what it is and jealousy is not love so if you love and wanna compromise in a relationship you have to deal with emotions that not always come from love but cultural conventions that are part too of us. And that happen in any rl we have monogamous, poliamory, open rl, etc...and being a AV actor is a job that involves acting. Now nobody make a fuss for an actor kissing in a movie but time ago that was an scandalous and actress where categorized as whores not so time ago. As I said is the morals and the education whyt I think people suffer in relationships and make us less free.

    Mameiha February 25, 2018 1:11 pm
    Oh! thanks for let me take a real view of how the AV industry works. My comments was just my guess and I see I wasnt wrong. Sex is what it is and jealousy is not love so if you love and wanna compromise in a re... wooosh

    You are precisely right on all points. The more we know and understand how we, as humans, think and act, the more we can open our minds to other options and possibilities for our thoughts and actions. If what we can accept is just a narrow sliver of the way people think or act and we limit others to that same narrow sliver of acceptance, we can't advance as a species. Look at what "The Dark Ages" did to technology. Because the sliver of acceptance was narrowly formed by religious power holders, even things like sanitation and clean water were forced to regress. The Roman Empire had running water, sewers and toilets. Yet, just 300 years after its fall, people were evacuating into pots and throwing waste from windows into the public street! Those in power wanted the masses stupid and easy to control. So, they limited the education to those who could hold power. This reduced the number of scientists, craftsmen, engineers and scholars who would care about the welfare of the masses. Even now, with the acceptance of transgender people, we are seeing advances in diagnostic capabilities for gender dysphoria/dysmorphia. You cannot study, understand or help those whom you can't accept.

    wooosh February 25, 2018 2:05 pm
    You are precisely right on all points. The more we know and understand how we, as humans, think and act, the more we can open our minds to other options and possibilities for our thoughts and actions. If what w... Mameiha

    Exactly. I really think that we as species will not be able to progress until we accept others ways of living and stop our views on others too. At the end is what it bases all the misery humans carry and religions are the paradigm in this. And if we could be able of make a deconstruction of our feelings and be more educated in an emotional level since infants world would be a richer and colourful place to live. I know is easier said than done it but trying is enough I think but people use to mock of the differet and alienate it to feel a false sense of confort and safe. Well, I think in same countries that is slowly changing. It have being great to see that what its portrayed in this manga has happened in real life in your experience because I really think is beautifull :)

    YunikonNiji February 25, 2018 6:21 pm
    Saying, "I love it when you sleep with your fellow actors.", is not the only way to "completely accept" a person's work in AV. "Completely accepting" can also take the form of, "I still feel jealous, but when I... Mameiha

    Well ok

    Mameiha February 25, 2018 7:21 pm
    Well ok YunikonNiji

    I apologize if my response sounded like I was insulting or putting you down. That was never my intention. I tend to speak forwardly and with a bit too much confidence in my opinions and views. I do this because I don't ever speak about subjects that I have never personally experienced either first hand or through friendships with those who have experienced things. I hope you can forgive any insult or offense. I hoped to teach you through my experience, not put you down. Thank you for your time and attention. I hope we can speak again in the future.

    Mameiha February 25, 2018 8:58 pm
    Exactly. I really think that we as species will not be able to progress until we accept others ways of living and stop our views on others too. At the end is what it bases all the misery humans carry and religi... wooosh

    Very true, everything you said. There has to be a "line" drawn for what is acceptable and what is not, only for the sake of reducing or punishing crime. If a person's life choices cause harm to themselves or others, then this is where the line should be drawn. Embarrassment is not harm, nor is discomfort. So, a parent, sibling, friend or stranger can not claim "harm" because they are embarrassed or uncomfortable with a person's life choices. I mean things like physical or emotional/mental trauma. The pendulum of understanding can not swing too far in the opposite direction. Where we accept even those life choices that cause harm, like drug addiction, abuse or pedophilia. A person who is in a consensual poli-amourous relationship, a person who is homosexual; bisexual; asexual; pansexual or trans, a person who is in adult entertainment with the consent of their life partner, etc are not hurting themselves or others. They are simply different from the "norm". Ugh, even the word "normal" irritates me. That word should never be used outside of hard sciences! There is no such thing as "normal" in human psychology and behaviour. There is "healthy and unhealthy", "safe and unsafe", but we are too diverse in our thoughts, desires and cultural behaviours to have a basis for a "blanket ideal" like "normal for a human" to apply. We have to start grasping the idea of "normal for that person" or "normal for me". Then, acceptance of others will easily follow.

    Thank you for your kind words of support and compliment. I am glad I could share something with you that gave you insight and also brightened your day. Some mangaka do excellent research, have personal experience or have friends with exciting lives. LOL These are the mangaka I admire most, because they tell a much more realistic and entertaining story. There are many yaoi/BL manga that perpetuate lies and misconceptions about homosexual male relationships. It can't be helped, since this is supposed to be fantasy and not a biography or "how to" life manual. Just as there are no vampires and werewolves, there are no "self lubricating anuses". LOL One fantasy is well known and understood, but due to societal views, the other is shrouded in mystery. There was a time when people believed vampires and werewolves were real. We are currently in an age where what people read in fiction about homosexuality is perceived as real and correct. Hopefully, just as we outgrew the belief in vampires and werewolves, we will outgrow the belief in "self lubricating anuses" and the idea that gay men think and act like women in their relationships. LOL Manga like this, help dispel those misconceptions and myths. Which is, of course, why they hold a special place in my heart.

    Thanks, again. I have sincerely enjoyed our conversation and I hope to have many more with you in the future. Have a wonderful day.

    wooosh February 25, 2018 10:15 pm
    Very true, everything you said. There has to be a "line" drawn for what is acceptable and what is not, only for the sake of reducing or punishing crime. If a person's life choices cause harm to themselves or ot... Mameiha

    Thank you!! and same!! LOL I laugh when you talk about self lubricating anus. I can believe that is still a trope. I dont know whether its due to blantant ignorance of anathomy from the mangaka or for kink porpouse but anyway I have always found it at the best amusing.
    And yes, the limit should be just in the harm of others, the rest is acceptable and fine and must be free of labels. Normal should be a offens and a rude word to say, not normal this not normal that. Anything that separate people is unfortunate.
    I hope we can chat more in future conversations. I will be commenting here and there sometimes in this site. Good day to you :)

    Atys November 23, 2018 7:13 am


    Mameiha November 23, 2018 7:36 am
    Thank you!! and same!! LOL I laugh when you talk about self lubricating anus. I can believe that is still a trope. I dont know whether its due to blantant ignorance of anathomy from the mangaka or for kink porp... wooosh

    As someone who was raised primarily by her gay brother and his many friends and lovers, self lubricating anuses always make me laugh so hard! I have had the displeasure of experiencing an attempt at anal without preparation or lubrication. Take it from me, that hurts like hell! DO NOT try that at home! LMAO

    I use the word common and uncommon rather than normal or abnormal. Homosexuality is "normal" to occur in 10% of any mammalian population, but because it is only 10%, it is an uncommon occurrence. There is such a huge difference in those terms and that difference is immensely important.

    I will look for your comments and I hope we can talk again. Feel free to mail me if you ever just want to chat as well.

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