Hvan_Jel June 26, 2021 10:47 am


Hvan_Jel May 15, 2021 4:21 am


    リオ May 15, 2021 6:55 am

    sorry i pressed the thumbs down

Hvan_Jel October 25, 2020 1:38 am

I can't stand those two, dammit (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Hvan_Jel September 8, 2019 1:20 pm

Is it normal that my legs are shivering???
⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Hvan_Jel August 27, 2019 2:05 pm


    Yojam August 27, 2019 2:59 pm

    Yes!!!!Finally they are back!!!! (≧∀≦)

    Hvan_Jel August 27, 2019 3:03 pm
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    If we see, Ein fights the mafia and drug trafficking. Did he kill anyone? Yes, but for a greater cause.
    Even more, the real world in which we live is not right, let alone an invented world. And then, that's the author's world, the world he created, if you don't like it, don't read it, if you like it, root for whoever you want.

    ssugarpain August 27, 2019 3:25 pm
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    Oh god, do you know how undercover police works? The reason Ein was discovered is that he didn't shoot people on vital points, even though he was very skilled with his weapon, that is why Yanek knew he was a traitor. The police knew overall about the corpses being hidden, and all the stuff he had to do to earn Yanek trust, that is how it works, he risked his life to stop human/drug trafficking, stop crying about a freaking weirdo who died because he was a god damn criminal, for christ sake.

    skylarmoon August 27, 2019 4:02 pm
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    Actually, Ein's job is that of a soldier or a special operative of the country that's why I think he has a license to kill (especially if it's a mafia). Also, he didn't kill anyone. It was Yanek's men who killed people and I think it was only Ein who hid the bodies (mind you, these dead people are also did crimes). Lastly, these things really do happen in real life so I don't think the author created an unfair storyline.

    ssugarpain August 27, 2019 7:02 pm
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    I mean, what do you expect he would have told to his superior? Dude, I just fucked the new toy of Yanek who is also his new dog... did I tell you that the dude is actually a werewolf? But just during the day, because at night, he is a fucking murder machine lol. And Dissel is not such a bad person as you may think, did he kill? yes, but for me, he was just surviving, after all, we don't what happen to him during his time in the church, he had to follow Yanek because it was all that he had, literally. That is also the reason why he didn't tell anything about Ein because he knew the other guy was fucked up, and not worthy of throwing his life for.

    Hvan_Jel August 27, 2019 7:25 pm
    Yes!!!!Finally they are back!!!! (≧∀≦) Yojam

    I wished a lot for a chapter with them, 'cause they give to the story a "dark" side, and they're srsly the best couple.

    Hvan_Jel August 27, 2019 7:29 pm
    I mean, what do you expect he would have told to his superior? Dude, I just fucked the new toy of Yanek who is also his new dog... did I tell you that the dude is actually a werewolf? But just during the day, b... ssugarpain

    I think EXACTLY the same, there are no words to add.

    Hvan_Jel August 27, 2019 7:40 pm

    Ok girl, first of all, they're my favourite couple not because they're a sort of Mr. & Mrs. Smith, but because how they act in their relationship. I don't pretend to remember what happened in ALL the chapters, but I like their behaviour. They aren't cringe or say lovely words, but yet the part when Diesel said to Ein that his real name is "Leto" is better than an "I love you", for me. I like their atypical relationship, the way they protect each other even if that implies be separated. THAT'S WHY I said that is my best couple.
    Honestly I don't care what they do, and I aleays thinked that Ein was actin in a certain way because of his work. You said that he should have told to their superior what happened when Yanek died, but WHAT?!? Should he have said that he was in a company of a werewolf? And the werewolf is Yanek's fuck buddy (we can't call it love, ok)? This was also a way to protect Diesel.

    maychan August 27, 2019 8:06 pm

    I know right? I"m so happy. ohh look it the same troll that hate on Ein and Disesal with no good reason that called himself "..." don't answer him. he just attention seeker.

    ssugarpain August 27, 2019 8:30 pm
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    I mean it just your opinion, the story didn't show everything about Ein so you can say for sure that he did this or that without his superior knowledge, you're just speculating, the only thing he did lie about was Dissel because he wanted to protect him, and he is a freaking werewolf. And you said that Yanek saves Dissel as if he was Jesus, first of all, the guy went and kill every crazy fucker in the house, and the only reason he took Dissel was curiosity, he was intuitive enough to know that there was something weird about this person, but that is all. He was not a good person, he did not love Dissel, he was actually going to kill Dissel after killing Ein, get over with him. The only good thing that Yanek could have done for us (viewers) was to have a steamy scene with Ein before he died, it is the only thing I would have wanted from him, other than that nah, he is not that great of a character, not even as a villain, just a crazy psycho that was protected by his father ass, end of his story.

    Hvan_Jel August 27, 2019 9:30 pm
    I know right? I"m so happy. ohh look it the same troll that hate on Ein and Disesal with no good reason that called himself "..." don't answer him. he just attention seeker. maychan

    Sure! I'm not going to reply. I said what I think and now the debate cannot go on, my opinion doesn't change, nor does his own so..
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    Even more so, in my country there is this saying: "When you wash the head of a donkey, you lose water, time and soap" (I translated it literally, maybe in other countries the same concept is expressed differently)

    Hvan_Jel August 27, 2019 10:33 pm
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    I accidentally clicked on your name and then I was able to see your account.
    You miss two characters from another story and one of them attacked the other... It's called rape, y'know. So, I think you're not in a position to criticize Ein and Diesel, at least, Ein didn't rape Diesel.

    morning_dew August 27, 2019 10:55 pm
    I mean it just your opinion, the story didn't show everything about Ein so you can say for sure that he did this or that without his superior knowledge, you're just speculating, the only thing he did lie about ... ssugarpain

    If I could upvote your comment, I would.

Hvan_Jel August 19, 2019 12:58 am

I'm definitely not ready for the very end.

Hvan_Jel July 24, 2019 12:15 pm

I wasn't ready for the very end of this

Hvan_Jel May 28, 2019 9:51 pm

The man was the exact copy of Bexan .... I smell kinship

Hvan_Jel January 29, 2019 3:50 am

How is it possible that Diesel is sexy even in dog shape? I REALLY LOVE THIS AUTHOR AND THE WAY HE DRAWS. LSNDMSLA

Hvan_Jel January 20, 2019 12:38 pm

My stomach hurts because of the feels and thrills akbxsmkakdkssk

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