Criteria are stories with: Femboys, effeminate men,
or men that show submissive or "typical feminine qualities." Guys with Soft energy will be included, this refers to Shy, blushes easily, timid, etc.
Criteria are stories with: Assertive, straightforward
women who take the lead in their romance or
dominates sexually. Women that show "typical masculine qualities."
(#1-123 SFW [Pg 1-12])
(#124+ NSFW [Pg 13-20])*APPROXIMATE*
Second RR List:
warning: the word cute is used an unhealthy amount during reviews
❖ underrated manga/hwa/hua
❖ unique concepts
❖ any genre
❖ some of my favourites
★ - My personal favorites
✓ - my own personal notes on it
Follow for more!
feel free to recommend, would mean a lot
some good ass and potentially good ass isekai, reincarnation, hist, and general fantasy shoujo shiiiiiiiiiiit. mix of webtoons and mango. get ready for spoilers in my descriptions. read at your own risk. THE SEQUEL (because 200 list limit oof)(promos moved to their own torturesome ass list~~)
Part V:
Part VII:
List 6 now wheeze
Sorry I've gotten lazy with descriptions lol probs won't unlazy anytime soon tho