Me: Wth? This is so fucked up?? I need a breather, jeez
Also me: *proceeds to search another fucked up story*

I'm not really sure if you have already these ones but here:
Kokoro O Korosu Houhou
Tourou No Ori
Camellia (Idk if this one is dropped?)
Innocent by Iimo (unavailable on this site)
Samenai Yume
And of course Harada's works
These are the ones that I really like(and I forgot the other titles). I will gladly reread all of these and get hurt emotionally and mentally over and over again except for Harada. I can only like a few works of her. It's too much for me to handle (°▽°)

I just continued reading this and due to the fact that this is fiction, I got so envious on how the mc was being taken care of by the stalker. But, once I compared it irl, I started getting all the creeps and I can't stop thinking about it :D I'm scared and it's night here. I guess, it's my own problem now.
Huh, does anyone know similar to this story? I think it's the almost the same but the seme admitted that when he was near death, he realised he won't have a chance again with the uke. That's why, he became nicer and tried to pursue him. That story, it kinda reminded me of this. Also, I have a bad memory so this might not be too accurate.
Idk but that story sounds rlly good so I’ll be waiting too for someone to say what it’s called
Omg that sounds so good if you find out plz tell me
That sounds good, I'll hang around
That sounds good, if anyone know please drop the title
Replying so I can get notified of the titlee
This prob not what ur thinking of but has a very similar concept: https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/beyond_memories/
Seme was an asshole to uke in their first time stream but then seme travels back in time and is extremely nice and protective of uke to make up for all the shit the uke went thru the first time
Rebirth I think has a similar concept of seme regret + pursuing? https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/rebirth_1/
Is it the one with nobles and abo??
This is one I recently read. It had the guide and esper characteristics.
Same. Replying so i get notified.
Replying for notifs. Thanks
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Oh thanks