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Doumeki1201 January 30, 2017 6:46 pm

Is there going to be more or is it a oneshot

Doumeki1201 January 5, 2017 10:52 am

I understand when people question why we ship them but seriously its not real, its a webtoon that is different from others and thats why we like it. I dont understand why i like it either but seriously this is interesting af.
So please stop ruining the moment by saying how sick this is. We understand but its just fiction, and I enjoy reading stuff like this. Its different from the cringy over used.plotline in other webtoons.

    Cutifying January 5, 2017 4:10 pm

    It's really annoying how people put y'all down for enjoying and finding a certain scene cute because they don't approve of it. Like it doesn't matter people can think what they want.

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contacting the author 11-08 20:43

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