I've been reading this series for years, and one thing that always annoyed me is the bullies in it are so boring and unrealistic. They're all twirling moustache villains that just go harhar Yeonwoo you look like a girl, look at how evil I am. It's annoying because all the main characters are written so great. But the villains are as interesting as cardboard. This guy is barely a character he's just a characateur of evil, he has no depth at all, not even that he's disturbed or his family is sick. Just a generic bully for Yeonwoo's tragic backstory. So I don't really care honestly it's too over the top. That one classmate (forgot his name) that was blackmailing everyone earlier actually had a little depth and motivation and got reformed, so he was an interesting villain. This arc is just boring me though. You can't expect me to be shocked when we've had bullies almost exactly like this dude since chapter 20.