Some yaoi with hand fetish or uke/seme with really beautiful hands. Thanks a lot (▰˘◡˘▰)

Ote o Haishaku by Sakumoto Ayu

I read all of the Harada's works and i really want something terribly destroy my mind. Thank you >.<

look at the above post. Plus Killing Stalking, Itou-san, Ibitsu no Kakera and



(I am 15) l look at anime manga or real boys and I like them same way as you say someone you are handsome etc. or praise some artwork, nothing more... And if we come to am I lesbian i think i am not because i seriously do not praise women body like i praise man body like an art. Last time i liked a person seriously was a year ago and the things i felt at these days are so far away from me now, is there something wrong with me? (well i am sorry if it is a stupid question but i have been wondering so....)

I'm 15 too so I can understand. For me, I'm not looking for anyone and I'm pretty satisfied with my daily life so I think that's why no one seems to stand out. Essentially, I'm okay with my life so I psychologically am not looking to change it. IDK. Don't worry about it too much. You may not have someone now but that's okay. You'll find someone in the future so enjoy your current life as it is. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧


I'm 22 and I haven't liked someone since I was 15. You never really know what can happen. For me I find all aesthetically pleasing people attractive, but I'm not sexually attracted to anyone. Sometimes these things just happen.

You are young. You have plenty of time to figure these things out, no point in worrying over it now.

There was a yaoi a light haired guy and a black haired guy, black haired guy coukd not sleep alone and other guy always slept with him but one day they finished their relarionship and a boy cane out what was its name?

Is it maybe this?
Hello everyone! There were two guys standing behind a cliff, and X person said "i am gonna kill you" something like that, and Y person (he had white hair) said "i would prefer to kill myself to you kill me" and then jumped off from the cliff.
Idk about an anime, but there's a manhua that comes to mind. Maybe Moritat?
I think it's moritat. You probably thought he had white hair since it wasn't colored xD
I remember clearly it was an anime but thanks :)
oops. it just sounds like moritat tho. maybe an anime clip? i remember that someone made a noblese anime version so you might've seen that.
I will take a look at it :)