Omg where do I even start I started this today and finished it today I can’t express how much I love this story.The characters were all beautiful in their own special way and I loved seeing growth in everyone from beginning to end. What made me so happy tho was that Yul finally realized what he was doing wrong accepted it and apologized and was now growing as a new person. That it was really mad me cry you don’t see a lot of that in stories theses day. I rate this a 10/10 And the ending was flawless sending good vibes (;´༎ٹ༎`)(;´༎ٹ༎`)♡´・ᴗ・`♡♡´・ᴗ・`♡♡´・ᴗ・`♡
This was so good I literally started last night and just finished it in class rn.I was so hooked on it. I think this is a really unique story and I am glad I found this
Omg where do I even start I started this today and finished it today I can’t express how much I love this story.The characters were all beautiful in their own special way and I loved seeing growth in everyone from beginning to end. What made me so happy tho was that Yul finally realized what he was doing wrong accepted it and apologized and was now growing as a new person. That it was really mad me cry you don’t see a lot of that in stories theses day. I rate this a 10/10 And the ending was flawless sending good vibes (;´༎ٹ༎`)(;´༎ٹ༎`)♡´・ᴗ・`♡♡´・ᴗ・`♡♡´・ᴗ・`♡