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kkkk April 12, 2021 4:37 pm

It's my imagination or Chinwoo is getting smaller and smaller with every chapter? It's weird XD.

    Mishoya April 12, 2021 4:46 pm

    I’ve seen that too. The author tryna make him look all feminine and shit like no, give us the Chinwoo we know love

    kkkk April 12, 2021 5:06 pm
    I’ve seen that too. The author tryna make him look all feminine and shit like no, give us the Chinwoo we know love Mishoya

    Yeah! He was just fine at the beginning, the gentle personality was enough to make him "cute", his appearance didn't have to change to keep with that vibe.

    Mishoya April 12, 2021 10:55 pm
    Yeah! He was just fine at the beginning, the gentle personality was enough to make him "cute", his appearance didn't have to change to keep with that vibe. kkkk

    Right. Now it’s too much. It’s like an uke can’t be masculine anymore. Majority of the ukes are portrayed as Feminine now

    kkkk April 13, 2021 3:40 pm
    Right. Now it’s too much. It’s like an uke can’t be masculine anymore. Majority of the ukes are portrayed as Feminine now Mishoya

    Well, I feel that this problem has existed since I started reading manga around ten years ago. And with webtoons, there's been fresh stories and art styles like the one in this manhua where men's bodies are masculine without caring about their role in the relationship. That's why I found it weird the author decided to make Chinwoo more and more "delicate".

    And there's nothing wrong with being a stereotype, most gay men I've met are feminine to some degree but that doesn't make their bodies magically change to fit that femininity XD.

kkkk December 27, 2020 12:35 am

First of all! I'm not complaining, I've been reading manga for about ten years now so I'm kind of inmune to rape in fiction when used as a kink or a plot to develope a relationship, it's even a little bit boring for me after all these years but when the art is beautiful (like in this manga) I endure it. Aaand I like dark stories where angst it's the most prevalent feeling XD. Anyway...

The question is: Why is rape or rough sex such a kink in asia? I don't even know if it happens outside of Japan but sometimes I wonder if asian porn, in general, kind of reflects this kink because it happens in real life. You see, there's this guy living in Japan that has a youtube channel and in one of his videos he talks with a friend about their sexual experiences with japanese women. It turns out that some girls like to act like they're getting hurt while having sex, even saying things like 'Stop'. Obviously this is shocking for foreign men and when they indeed stop these women get confused because they're not really getting hurt or anything, it's just as if they were performing an expected behaviour.

I don't know if these cases are common or just rare anecdotes but is really curious. What do you think? Could it be one of the reasons that rape is so common in erotic manga, manhwa or manhua?

    CerruleanBlue December 27, 2020 12:57 am

    I've seen a japanese porn once and it was exactly like described in your comment, like the woman was acting like she was getting hurt and saying no and stop. There was a kink with a white swimsuit and some liquid like clear gel lol. I don't know. I think it might have to do with the japanise or asian culture in general, like they are not touchy feely like europeans for exemple and they are not supposed to show theirs feelings in front of strangers too (The way I say it is very cliché I know, and it's not the case at all, I'm just not as fluent in english as I thought I was). And it might have developped a general feeling of guiltiness when feeling and enjoying sexual pleasures... I don't know, but you're question is very interesting per se. I've wondered myself

    kkkk December 27, 2020 1:29 am
    I've seen a japanese porn once and it was exactly like described in your comment, like the woman was acting like she was getting hurt and saying no and stop. There was a kink with a white swimsuit and some liqu... CerruleanBlue

    English it's not my native language neither so I understand your struggle hahaha.

    Well, I haven't seen japanese porn but it's known that women in those videos moan and scream in curious ways XD.

    Adding other ideas, I think that maybe the kink comes from a virtual 'dirtying' of this ideal japanese woman, you know, the cute shy girl that we all know form manga and anime. Asian porn gives me the impresion that these women are so pure or timid that they are scared of sex and pleasure and it's the lover job to teach or 'break' them.

    And, for me, said stereotype (the shy lover that needs breaking) it's represented by the passive man in gay relationships. They're frecuently read as a sustitute for the woman role, after all.

    CerruleanBlue December 27, 2020 2:15 am
    English it's not my native language neither so I understand your struggle hahaha. Well, I haven't seen japanese porn but it's known that women in those videos moan and scream in curious ways XD.Adding other ide... kkkk

    Yeah, I forgot to mention that I was referring to the woman, and the so called passive ukes. Like the pure white angel with teary eyes. Calm, and shy and collected with a petite body, extremely white skin and jet balck hair. Le cliché parfait. Actually the only stories with that kind of uke I'm reading right now are the ones with incredible art. Because, it's getting tiring sometimes.
    But I guess even authors struggle with the conception of uke, and since the audience is consisted of mainly young women they may chose sometime the easiest way to make them relate. Maybe asians women are still a bit old fashionable in terms of romance and sex. I mean, in Japan you can RENT a "prefect" boyfriend so... The least we can say is that they have a very peculiar way of seeing interactions with each others.

    And I kind of relate to you when you first introduced your comments.. I've started to count and I think I'm in yaoi for more than ten years too.. We've seen it all hahaha, from uke with breast and girly figures, to the rise of Manhua in the industry.

    kkkk December 27, 2020 3:21 am

    Yeah, I'm sure thing are changing but it seems from outside that relationship in Japan are still very traditional, like in a lot of countries, but with their unique flavor hahaha.

    It must be hard to write a story that depicts homosexual relationships with accuracy when you haven't been in one and you don't even know how it's to be of the opposite sex. Let's hope LGBT+ authors get more popular!

    We're veterans, friend XD! The growing presence of manhwa and manhua has been a blessing.

    CerruleanBlue December 27, 2020 1:49 pm

    webtoons are the best BUT do you remember the times when you only had a 6 chapter developpement stories ? Hahaha Now you have to wait 20 + Chapters to have a love scene hahahah

    CerruleanBlue December 27, 2020 1:54 pm
    Yeah, I'm sure thing are changing but it seems from outside that relationship in Japan are still very traditional, like in a lot of countries, but with their unique flavor hahaha. It must be hard to write a sto... kkkk

    that's exactly the term : "traditional".

    hard and complex, 70% of the yaoi in here are not even a little bit realistic lol. I've read a yaoi once who was a caricature of yaois' storytale and it was funny as hell with all the clichés packed together. Well, the world of fantasies is a wonderful land. I think we need both unreal and real like stories.

    kkkk December 27, 2020 4:33 pm
    webtoons are the best BUT do you remember the times when you only had a 6 chapter developpement stories ? Hahaha Now you have to wait 20 + Chapters to have a love scene hahahah CerruleanBlue

    Hahahaha that's sad. Fortunately I came across my first webtoon when Lezhin was already running buuut there's still zero character development in some of them. I'm hoping Painter of the night keeps on its path to being a 'slow burn', irony aside.

    kkkk December 27, 2020 4:39 pm
    that's exactly the term : "traditional".hard and complex, 70% of the yaoi in here are not even a little bit realistic lol. I've read a yaoi once who was a caricature of yaois' storytale and it was funny as hell... CerruleanBlue

    Agree hahaha. That's why since two years ago fanfics are my favorite, you can find some good stories in those sites but at the end I crave good drawings and come back here.

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