Mikan Sakura is an orphan who lives in the country side of Japan. When her best friend, Hotaru, tran...
- Author: higuchi tachibana
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Comedy / Drama / Fantasy / Mystery / Psychological / Romance / School Life / Shoujo / Slice Of Life / Supernatural / Tragedy
It is the year 20XX. Earth has been assaulted by monsters known as 'the Enemy of Humanity'...
- Author: Looseboy,Iori Furuya
- Genres: Drama / Shounen / Psychological / Tragedy
In this world, its only me who can get stronger by eating Magic Stones! At one point, I received an ...
- Author: yuuki ryou
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Fantasy
People around me called me a sage who was obsessed with the Philosopher's Stone." There was once a m...
- Author: Morino harifu
- Genres: Shounen / Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Reincarnation Action Adventure Fantasy Reincarnation
Han Jungmin, who is only ‘top on in written exams’, gave up becoming an adventurer as he...
- Author:
- Genres: Webtoons / Action / Adventure / Fantasy
A "Teacher" has a sacred job that protects and guides students.In this world where people ...
- Author:
- Genres: Comedy / Fantasy / School Life
On the day 15-year-old villager Geo was declared an adult, he was given a seemingly useless gift ca...
- Author: kuzu shichio
- Genres: Fantasy / Slice of Life
Taeyi hears a familiar melody fill the empty halls and makes his way to the old music room. He knows...
- Author: Clarju
- Genres: Shounen Ai / Slice Of Life / Webtoons
- Author: Hoshizaki Kon
- Genres: Fantasy
- Author: usapyon,korai ayumu
- Genres: Shounen / Adaptation / Fantasy / Slice of Life / Isekai / Monsters / Reincarnation
- Author: Kuzu shichio,Isegawa yasutaka
- Genres: Action / Adventure / Comedy / Fantasy / Romance