bootyslayer_69 answered question about question
idk if it's even considered a yaoi but the rib of adam is just so disturbingly absurd lmfao. my synopsis is that this dude gets a pussy on his rib and he gets raped repeatedly thru it madk makes me feel the same kind of uncomfortability too
bootyslayer_69 created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome


my man nanami DID NOT die to be reincarnated like this

I thought my eyes were deceiving me when I read "Without the actual marriage" cause it would've been understandable if he wanted to get married WITHOUT the wedding ceremony BUT WHAT ಠ_ಠ

this bitch better drop the most horrendous tragic backstory that would explain his utter disdain on marriage because this ain't it

bootyslayer_69 created a topic of Dogusare Dandies

well shit, I'm just like Michi and I hate feeding into my delusions so I always walk away from people without communicating with them. This shit is so real and it's so sweet but it hurts for some reason T___T

bootyslayer_69 created a topic of Love Me Doctor!

it's been like 2 years since this story ended and I still can't get over their mirror sex
y'all please recommend me yaois that have those kinda scenes... asking for a friend

bootyslayer_69 created a topic of Shangri La no Tori


but the way taesung reassures sooyoung and tells him that he'll always be there for him, telling him that he's not alone. shiiiit, that's too sweet. if my partner doesn't love me like that, i dont want em

this is so goofy and i love it for that

bootyslayer_69 created a topic of Thirst

boy if u don't start actin right imma steal ethan from u

bootyslayer_69 created a topic of Codename Anastasia

can anyone spoil me about the horrendous acts zhenya's about to commit to taekjoo
is it like.. 'no reason' level of fucked up because I really don't wanna see taekjoo suffer like that :((

bootyslayer_69 created a topic of Jinx
bootyslayer_69 created a topic of Him & Him & Him

seah really do be living that y/n life

bootyslayer_69 created a topic of Temptress

tf is itadori doin in this pornhwa

bootyslayer_69 created a topic of Profundis

i get turned off by the rape but then i get turned on every time he slaps his ass fucks wrong with me

bootyslayer_69 created a topic of The Tosa's Master

did... did he get violated by that dog or nah
i hope he was just bitten or something but i just know that yaoi authors love giving their characters crazy ass traumas

bootyslayer_69 created a topic of Muri Marriage

they act like like an old married couple, i love them so much

bootyslayer_69 created a topic of Eunsuk & Jung-gu

help i didn't know gae was eunsuk's surname

i deadass thought this entire time that that one panel on ch 1 was the author referencing the why are u gae meme or something

bootyslayer_69 created a topic of Jinx

for a heavyweight champion or whatever, he sure is a light weight

but seriously cut the fucking act, we all know you ain't drunk mr jerkhyung