Milk°•°• June 15, 2021 12:02 am

She wants to kill them with like....a knife or something

Marianna June 8, 2021 3:58 am


Marianna June 1, 2021 9:59 pm

Most of the names are wrong

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤ June 1, 2021 10:59 pm

    Did the names changed or I'm going Crazy?

    Marianna June 1, 2021 11:06 pm
    Did the names changed or I'm going Crazy? ㅤㅤㅤㅤ

    Jungmu and Wu hyeon is not Choi they are jeongs and Wu chagang not chakang

    ㅤㅤㅤㅤ June 1, 2021 11:26 pm
    Jungmu and Wu hyeon is not Choi they are jeongs and Wu chagang not chakang Marianna

    Thx, I knew something was off with their names

Marianna May 20, 2021 8:50 pm

WH came to check if YJ was really getting a divorce MH blocked the way saying YJ wasn't there but he was. WH was actually surprised balantly MH lied. anyways WH talked to YJ & he said its true. He was planning on dying but MH ripped up his letter. Before WH left he told MH to watch YJ but MH was already doing just that. Later MH asked if he had sex with WH? YJ asked if hes jealous? MH replied yes & kissed him but YJ fainted. Later YJ woke up at home & his wife was there. He asked what about SJ? Hes sure hes upset..He wanred SJ to grow up differently from him but he ended up in the same situation. Wife told him dont think about anything & just rest, MH will be here soon. YJ remembered MH touch before he fainted. Wife told him she saw how desperate MH was. He couldn't wait for the elevator so he jumped down the stairs. YJs regretful SJ caught him..he hurt SJ like his father hurt him. Wife tells him dont worry cuz SJ has her. More than revenge for her dead muse, she's going to do what she(YJ mother) should've done. When she became a mother, she realized her child happiness comes first MH told his sister YJ collapsed so he'll be back late for awhile so take care of everyone. YJ was outside smoking when MH arrived. He immidiately dropped his bag & covered YJ with his hoodie he hugged him from behind saying it's cold, why don't he go in & rest..YJ suddenly asked MH of he ever killed anyone? MH replied yeah. Perhaps..YJ wondered if MH killed him would his soul not wander?meanwhile SJ was gonna sleep over at Junhu house. He asked if it's really ok? JH said yeah, he knows it's uncomfortable for SJ to see his parents right now. SJ didn't know what to do & worried about not liking MH, so he asked if it's ok cuz hes JH older brother but JH said its up to him, its MH fault anyways. Aw he told SJ to wait 20 yrs & hell avenge him. SJ asked why 20 yrs? JH said MH will be too old to use any strength so they'll aim for that time. SJ said no that's ok JH then noticed some guys standing around & how the atmosphere seems strange they were waiting for the kids. JH grabbed SJ hand

    missappleplum May 21, 2021 5:37 pm

    Out of all the thing I read I understand nothing cause I'm still confuse with their names

    Emdia May 22, 2021 3:04 pm

    thanks. That kid is pissing me off. We aint got time for his nonsense lool. If he wanna hate his dad he can do so and he should think about hating his mum too before hating on MH. SJ did not cheat/lie to his wife as they were never together like that to begin with. SJ's childhood was worse than his and for the first time his dad showed some kind of happiness before he (the kid) destroyed everything with his whining. SJ lost his mum , the kid still has his even though shes gay loool

    Marianna May 22, 2021 10:42 pm
    thanks. That kid is pissing me off. We aint got time for his nonsense lool. If he wanna hate his dad he can do so and he should think about hating his mum too before hating on MH. SJ did not cheat/lie to his wi... Emdia

    True but he also told yeonjin why he never spends time with him and why his family is always apart and I kinda felt that as an only child...but he has friends and his caring mom so he should be fine p.s and his somewhat caring grandfather

    Anime&manga May 23, 2021 2:57 am
    thanks. That kid is pissing me off. We aint got time for his nonsense lool. If he wanna hate his dad he can do so and he should think about hating his mum too before hating on MH. SJ did not cheat/lie to his wi... Emdia

    He's just a kid tho....he has no idea that his parents are married for a show nor has any idea about his father's past so ofc he's gonna be mad at his dad....i mean imagine seeing your father flirting with someone else other than your Mather...bruh

    heemawari May 28, 2021 5:43 am

    Thank u I kinda understood now

    Azuis June 1, 2021 6:30 am
    thanks. That kid is pissing me off. We aint got time for his nonsense lool. If he wanna hate his dad he can do so and he should think about hating his mum too before hating on MH. SJ did not cheat/lie to his wi... Emdia

    He's still a child and he's innocent in some areas.. He is still confused so of course he'll feel like that.. No child will just turn a blind eye on what's happening between their parents, furthermore, he didn't know that his parents married for show

Marianna May 6, 2021 5:52 pm

SJ was eating dinner with his parents YJ noticed he wasn't eating & asked whats wrong? YJ cut the steak up for SJ & said they'll have a pool party soon at this hotel. Hell reserve a room so he can invite his friends, he likes playing with MH siblings so he can invite them too. Poor SJ, now that he knows everything he asked why? Is he going to stay with MH again? He always wondered why YJ doesn't live together with them like families. Why does he lie to him? He knows how to laugh when he's with MH..He asked am I even your son,later Wife called YJ asking if hes ok? YJ definitely wasn't & apologized to her..he made a mistake. Wife said it was bound to happen one day so just move forward. Theres nothing they could do so they'll just divorce alittle earlier. YJ said ok.. he wanted to know about SJ but wife didn't know either..SJ was outside sitting on the swings. MH sibling saw him & asked Whats the matter? SJ didn't want to go home. MH sibling asked what is he worried about at their age? tell him, hell listen to him. Meanwhile JM was pissed that some of the drugs were missing & they didn't know who took it. Suddenly they tell him that Chairman Seo called to meet him, sooo YJ father & JM meet up but YJ father immidiately slaps JM in the face! He told him to take care of MH quickly. What was he doing until now? Even his grandson knows about the relationship between YJ & MH. He tells JM to take care of MH as soon as possible & asked if he remembers telling him he was better than Chagang? He took off his jacket telling JM to eat,anyways YJ told MH that SJ saw them..MH asked if that was part of the plan? YJ replied no..he didn't mean to..but hes going to divorce his wife soon & she will take SJ to America. He told MH he can find a good place for his siblings & clear up the rest of his debt cuz this could be exposed to the media. MH ripped up his papers. YJ asked what is he doing? MH tells him he learned something when his 1st master died..never leave the master alone or look away. If hes going to leave him behind hes going to bite & hold onto him. He'll take him to his cage, lock him up & keep his master all to himself...

    Gansjyl May 6, 2021 6:39 pm

    Thank you!

    Macca May 6, 2021 6:59 pm

    Thanks! T^T poor YJ & MH. I wonder if we are getting close to the end?

    Marianna May 6, 2021 7:37 pm
    Thanks! T^T poor YJ & MH. I wonder if we are getting close to the end? Macca

    Oh yes! Probably

    Macca May 6, 2021 9:55 pm
    Oh yes! Probably Marianna

    I wish the story is a bit longer like Blood Link T^T

    Marianna May 6, 2021 9:57 pm
    I wish the story is a bit longer like Blood Link T^T Macca

    Ikr .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.

    Macca May 13, 2021 5:56 pm

    I wonder if you read the latest raw, woukd you give us the brief ( ̄∇ ̄")

Marianna April 29, 2021 1:42 pm

Chagang..,..he's alive??

Dang dang April 25, 2021 7:40 pm

I was planning to upload all the officials and now I just feel like stopping since my cropping is crappy I only replaced until chapter 4... if there is a chapter you want me to give contact me through insta and I'll send you screenshots oh and let me tell you lol...the chapters you're reading here are waaaaaaaaaaay different from the officials it's getting more interesting everytime (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻

    SkyGirl April 25, 2021 8:41 pm

    I would love your crappy cropping chapters :D

    Dang dang April 25, 2021 10:44 pm
    I would love your crappy cropping chapters :D SkyGirl

    Thank you :^)

    Sano2a April 26, 2021 1:58 am

    Can you give me your user please the chapter didn't make much sense :D

    Dang dang April 26, 2021 2:22 am
    Can you give me your user please the chapter didn't make much sense :D Sano2a

    It's banana_bread1a
    And what chapter are you talking about?

    Potato ah~ April 26, 2021 2:08 pm

    Ah when I read the first few chapters, they didn’t make any sense AT ALL and everything was mixed up and the pages weren’t even in order but later on I saw that it had been replaced and I think you did a pretty good job! Thank you! It was so much easier to read and was actually really good! :3

    Dang dang April 26, 2021 3:13 pm
    Ah when I read the first few chapters, they didn’t make any sense AT ALL and everything was mixed up and the pages weren’t even in order but later on I saw that it had been replaced and I think you did a pr... Potato ah~

    Oh yeah because I used the wrong app I changed it and fixed it up

Dang dang April 25, 2021 1:43 pm

Okay so I already replaced the old translation to the official for chapter 1 and I'll continue until chapter 23 and I'll wait this Wednesday until chapter 24 comes out so don't worry I'll replace all until the end (maybe if nothing happens)

    June April 25, 2021 2:48 pm

    Thanks a lot.

    Dang dang April 25, 2021 3:23 pm
    Thanks a lot. June

    No thanks needed ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ

Dang dang April 25, 2021 2:52 am

I'm sorry guys the chapter that I wanted to upload is still in process
and I saw someone Else upload??

    Boon4U April 25, 2021 5:40 am

    It's okay reupload it, cause we didn't understand this one at all

    mmmmrandom April 25, 2021 6:16 am

    Please upload it. Thank you.

    Aria April 25, 2021 8:05 am

    Please upload yours! I could barely understand this chapter, unfortunately.

Dang dang April 22, 2021 2:27 am

Hehe I don't know wtf is happening don't worry I'll fix it!

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