Taehyun looked a bit sexy when he was asking for consent to be honest. I feel like his actions aren't (technically) bad toward Param, but his motives are dangerously ominous. And since Hwi aren't and Param aren't dating, he doesn't really owe Hwi exclusive sex. (And Param liked Taehyun BEFORE Hwi). Trust me, Taehyun grinds my gears just as much as the next person, but I do not like seeing all this Param hate. Even Hwi did some controversial shit by saying he was only originally going to toy with Param knowing that his body was sensitive. Like ya'll are letting your bias toward Daddy Hwi get in the way of appreciating sexy Param. Oh and Taehyun... what a jackass for fucking over all those men he met at the club.
- signed both a Param and Hwi simp respectfully periodt
I kind of wish Haesoo had his own personal growth. When Joowon left to be a star after their taboo sexual interactions and Joowon's coercion, he knew that he needed someone to fill the gap but acted tough and independent instead. Taku came along and filled Haesoo's gaping heart for the time being-a distraction-sex, art, and vague signs of love, because Taku didn't want anything complicated and because Haesoo needed some new air to breathe. The concept of taboo relations was flimsy after their parents divorced, but Joowon was still occupied with his job and it's pressure (being gay is dangerous stuff in the entertainment industry). Joowon and Taku find out about each other and feel jealousy even though they know their own circumstances. Joowon is at risk of losing his job if he is official with Haesoo, and Taku is at risk of losing his heart because Haesoo is the only person he truly longed for. Joowon developed slowly over time and Taku found out his love with a confession through an exponential wave of realization. My heart aches for both men, but Haesoo feels like he is too dependent, that he needs a person there for him, and fear of loneliness, which is normal and understandable but I wish he learned to handle his feelings and cope in a real way instead of putting on a front. Haesoo's has so much potential.
Sooo after haesoo breaks up with taku, him and joowon discuss (this is not shown) and basically it seems that Haesoo decided to step back and take time for himself. He goes abroad for 3 years to work on his studies and career. He's not dating Joowon in this time, and Joowon respects his decision to leave, and decides to wait for him instead. They rejoin 3 years later at the airport, and Joowon says "lets go home Haesoo", meaning they'll probably start a relationship now.
I mean to be clear: Haesoo does love Joowon, and Joowon now knows it too... but I agree with you that he was too dependant on his partners. I think he realized that too, and was also aware that he had some emotional issues and insecurities to work out for himself -especially related to his writing and work-,, plus he wanted to be better to Joowon and not fall back into their bad cycles, yknow? So yeah~ This is my interpretation of WHY he decided to go abroad. But I'm sure the writer will actually explain Haesoo's decision in the upcoming final chapters.
The rape was gross, and the creepy MC was a major turn off. No shade, but I wonder what goes on in the author’s mind. The public sex could work in a more intimate and trusting relationship, but public sex with a stranger you can’t even see... it doesn’t even feel right. No judgement to anyone who likes this because this is strictly porn (without plot) but just giving my honest opinion.
This story is actually really good and has a LOT of layers. I also really like the drama. Osiris is an ass, when I initially thought he was the victim. Seth, Hephthys, and Iris are all sketchy and had did some bad things, but they're been led astray by Osiris. But at the same time, they know this but they're all at odds with one another! Crazy! And Horus... dang, used as machine for rape and forced to rule over Eqypt lovelessly without even being a true god. His pride must have really gone down after needing so much assistance from the other gods.