Kei ⛧ created a topic of Avle

I'm so done with this, when will it end

Kei ⛧ answered question about have delusional thoughts
I genuinely don't know how people liked any of them Funny how all of them got same amount of dislikes
Kei ⛧ created a topic of Our Sunny Days
Kei ⛧ answered question about writing advice
I'll be mixing 2 and 4, I can pretend to be my master and find the poisoner and help them finish the job, after the master is dead I'm going to poison the poisoner with that same poison or something else then burn their(the poisoner and master) bodies so that no proof is left. After that I can continue to rule and live as I want like bruh why would......
Kei ⛧ answered question about have delusional thoughts
Why should it be a "safe space"??? Trolls know what they're doing and the kind of reaction they'll get and those pedos shouldn't have a safe space anywhere anyway
Kei ⛧ created a topic of Rivalry
Kei ⛧ created a topic of Do You Still Like Me?

I'm not really satisfied with Colton's explanation and apology, men are really allergic to words when it is actually needed :|

Kei ⛧ answered question about question
"have a few others but its embarrassing" bruh was this not embarrassing enough for you?? Everytime I think mangago can't surprise me anymore, I see something like this
Kei ⛧ want to do

1859 people did   /   1361 want to do

Kei ⛧ created a topic of Jinx
Kei ⛧ created a topic of Finding Camellia

Bro "clematis" reminds me of clit, I can't get this thought out of my mind

Kei ⛧ answered question about question
That's assuming I'll go through the pain of child birth, ain't no way I'm ever birthing a child.
Kei ⛧ created a topic of The Origin of Species

The proportions are crazyyy, that one panel where the ML was sitting with his family literally took me out lmfao and how long is the MC going to call him president? it's lowkey awkward and weird

Kei ⛧ answered question about craziest day in your life
Okay most of the times I ignore troll posts and at this point I'm pretty much used to them but this one really irked me, and rn I'm kind of skeptical about if you were actually trolling or it's just an excuse because almost everyone disliked what you said so you're trying to pull it under the rug by calling it trolling? And even if you were trollin......
Kei ⛧ created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Damn I wanna go hiking on those pecs too

Kei ⛧ followed question about stuff that makes you facepalm

What was the most embarrassing thing that ever happen too you?

09 10,2023
Kei ⛧ created a topic of Do You Still Like Me?

Why won't he clear up everything and tell him how he was planning a solo exhibition for him instead of saying shits like I care more about you than your art and things like that, what's the point of dragging this!? He knows MC was in slump and now he destroyed his art due a misunderstanding, can't he see how serious this is?? Please first of all say things that actually matter instead of beating around the bush fgs

Kei ⛧ created a topic of Define The Relationship

This old fart's "noble" bones won't even work after getting kicked once and he got the audacity to talk shit like that damn