Nothing can justify rape and the "psychological" tag must be a joke :|
Okay as much as I love him being half naked and trotting down the stairs like a penguin, why isn't anyone talking about the connection between his memories and the casseset? Bada said the casseset being there explains the situation but how does it explain it? I'm kinda lost? Is it because the casseset was still there in place of being ejected like previous timelines? But it still doesn't explain why he remembers the last playthrough tho #-.-)
Cried so hard snot started running down my face, my heart is physically hurting and my head is about to explode
Omg yes kiss kiss fall in love, don't worry it's completely normal I shove my tongue down my friend's throat too
Can someone rec me spicy smut , would prefer if its b×g WITHOUT the guy fucking like more than one person?
Is this ever coming back?? Someone please pick it up
who is the baddest female MC? It can be isekai or anything. I don't know why, but I like reading manhwas where the MC is not wishy-washy and exacts revenge like a boss
Author ran out of ideas about how to fuck up with this story even more