I'm not black and I still felt the shock and embarrassment like wtf? Was that really necessary? There are certain things I noticed which felt really weird and prejudiced (idk if I'm just overthinking and reading too much into it) :
1: about how it was shown that the local area had more foreigners than Koreans even tho the reason was given it still felt lowkey weird to me, it almost seemed like yk when racists say things like how their country will be taken over by foreigners and they will become the minority in their own country yada yada you know how it goes, the author seemed to have that kind of mindset
2: As others are talking about how badly the bully was drawn ig it has more to do with the fact that he's the bad guy here, these manhwas and media in general love to portray "ugly" (according to fucked up beauty standards society has created) people as villains, but then again I'm not really sure about the reason.
3: Also it's weird how if the nice guy or the hero is mixed then he's always "half white", specifically half American, I've already seen how the general public in Korea is fascinated with Americans or white people in general and heard personal experiences of people about it so don't come at me with any kind of stupid argument, yes you're very much welcome to contribute your thoughts in a respectful way but if you're just here to make excuses for casual racism then kindly stay away.
4: And again are we really surprised that the nice guy is conventionally attractive and got green eyes? Which I wouldn't have cared about since who doesn't like watching pretty faces but it's weird when there's so much difference between how the nice and bad guy looks, especially it seems worse here since race is at the play too just yikes idk what the author was really thinking.