im rlly curious of why people want character development for A RAP1ST, thats so disgusting how do u support that type of stuff. trauma does not make up for what he has done, its sad that he had a bad childhood. but so did nakyum, and he's not an asshole like seungho. i rlly hope for nakyum to have a good ending, and realise that he deserves someone better who didn't abuse the crap out of him. seungho does not deserve redemption just cause he had trauma.

seungho is not only a borderline rap!st which is disgusting, BUT A FUCKING COLD ASS PSYCHOPATH. i dont fucking care if he has a fucking sob story/trauma that doesn't make up for what he has done, other peope like nakyum have it but they aren't mf evil. like what the hell- no i don't idgaf abt him getting help, I WANT HIM IN JAIL. like how do u even justify this-
is it just me, or are their asses rlly plump lmaooooo, like i was not expecting that when i saw him showering LFJSD:FJD:K
AHAH RIGHT, they got dumptrucks
Ass for daaaayyyysss ლ(´ڡ`ლ)