Tara Dikov July 22, 2020 11:35 am

Fr what happened to Sungha's corpse? Somebody needs to confirm/secure the kill.

Tara Dikov July 19, 2020 8:08 pm

I expected him to give his dick and booty to his hot vampire boss before ensuring Sungha gets splatted on the floor first, as per expected of ukes in smut, but noooo! He actually has the sense to withhold sex until he gets what he wants. Also, respect for hot vampire boss for abiding by Sooin's terms.

Sungha is a cover boy so probably, he'll be back with a vengeance. But at the moment... HAHA! SERVES HIM RIGHT! Lmao, I fucking died when they proceeded into having sex in front of his corpse. Beats literally dancing on the grave of this piece of shit 10/10.

    Yeyyyeee July 20, 2020 7:02 am

    Idk too LoL

    DaLoneWolfSinz July 20, 2020 9:12 am

    Watch the other dude come back as a vampire or something- I will be so p*ssed

Tara Dikov July 18, 2020 2:34 pm

I thought I was going to see Donggyun top Jiwon. Dafuq, my hopes were built up and then slashed in seconds. ╥﹏╥

Tara Dikov July 17, 2020 10:35 pm

Damn... I wish someone would say my hands are pretty.

Tara Dikov July 13, 2020 8:24 am

I have always liked dark stories and have always wondered why I preferred them with tragic endings. It's only because its a rarity to see a happy one done right after a heavy psychological drama plot. They are often jarring, unfitting, or forced. This story, however, is not one of those failed happy endings.

Shed a tear too... even though I'm emotionally blunted by meds right now. Just goes to show how heavy this story is. Excellent for those who love their stories covered with glass shards and barbed wire. The happy ending payoff is just the bonus bandage for our wounded hearts.

Tara Dikov July 13, 2020 12:03 am

I can already trust that they'll handle the plot excellently. They're one of the authors who seems to have a specialty genre and is really good in writing them. I'm hyped.

On other stuff, Woohyuk is probrably legit gay that's why he got so angry at the gaybaiting proposal.

Tara Dikov July 11, 2020 3:49 pm

Fucking hell, it's like in very past, the only choice is to toil and starve or to be in some cutthroat court with high risk-high reward opportunities. The only winners are the 1% of male nobility. Fuck that.

That fetus yeetus, though...

Tara Dikov July 10, 2020 2:42 pm

For Jade's love for Scott, at least. Unless Scott's gonna magically return to his body, I don't know how in any way Jade could have his good ending. We all know that. It explains all the reader tears raining down upon Jade.

I could be mad at the story for making Ghost Noah use Jade this way. However, it isn't out of character for Noah to use people... and in that situation, if he wants to attain his goal discreetly, using Jade is the way to go. Noah's actions do make sense, story-wise.

With that, I could never see an ending with Jade forgiving Noah after figuring everything out, even less on the possibility of Jade falling in love with him after all the lies. It just wouldn't make sense. He is very much in love with Scott. That's all I know.

So guys, brace for the heartbreak. It's pretty much inevitable.

Tara Dikov June 28, 2020 7:06 am

It's a little drawn out due to the mindfuck stones but honestly, I could imagine this as a BL Otome Visual Novel. The mindfuck stones could easily create a good ending and a bad ending scenario. We have the real good ending here. But that double rape dream and basement kidnapping scenario being concocted by Seonyun is such a classic Yaoi VN bad ending.

Tara Dikov June 22, 2020 1:43 pm

I have pushed back finishing this for a while and now I finally read the rest of it. I had always expected before that the dad was just a bitchass and Minjae killed Eunsung accidentally or something. WTFH, he caused him to be bullied, beat up, and then personally pushed him into a fire and burned him alive! That's a very horrible, painful way to die. Imagine the dad seeing his precious son in that state. I'm amazed that he even had the patience to raise Minjae and not immediately explode in anger once he knew.

Not to mention that Minjae's reasons for killing was just fucking jealousy and to make himself feel better that someone is suffering more than him. Ooh..It made my blood boil and I'm very much meh to horrible characters in fiction. Perhaps, I just didnt expect Minjae to be THAT terrible. I got ahead of myself and thought the dad was the one who was more problematic.

NGL, it's a good read, though. I just wished it didn't end as abruptly as it did.

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