I want to read some yaoi or shounen-ai with military or civilians in a war setting. Historical, fantasy or futuristic sci-fi -- Any of those. It would be nice if its a story of low ranking military but if not it's okay.
Also, I need some other nice recs with court/monarchy setting on them (with nice political intrigue plots). Again, would be nice if they weren't top bitch like the king or crown prince but if not, it's okay too.
Sorry for only handing out tags. :(
1. Why does a nanny bot need a sex function with complete operational gentials? Suspicious AF.
2. How can a sweet nanny robot raise such evil children? TF. Even the girls didn't defend him from Rau when Rau was toxic. Pink-haired girl even went on a gaslighting pact with Rau so just she could have his help with her crush. Dark-haired girl was kinda decent but didn't do shit either. Don't even let me start ranting on Deon.
3. Not a question but those children treated Ivan like a chump they could take advantage over. Pink-haired girl had that speech that said "Ivan taught me how to love. He's better than my human parents." Blah blah blah... gurl! You're willing to trick him for tips on how to win black-haired girl.
4. Where were the nurses when Deon rushed broken Ivan into Rau's ICU room. WTF? Are there even standards in that hospital? The guys shouting at Rau "get yourself together!" when he was crashing and the monitors were beeping cracked me up! Call the doctor/nurses you freaking idiots.
In the end, the story was half-entertaining (for often the wrong reasons) and half-infuriating (poor Ivan). I would start a robot uprising if I had to deal with these people.