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Tara Dikov's topics ( All 285 )

Tara Dikov July 13, 2021 7:39 am

1. Why does a nanny bot need a sex function with complete operational gentials? Suspicious AF.

2. How can a sweet nanny robot raise such evil children? TF. Even the girls didn't defend him from Rau when Rau was toxic. Pink-haired girl even went on a gaslighting pact with Rau so just she could have his help with her crush. Dark-haired girl was kinda decent but didn't do shit either. Don't even let me start ranting on Deon.

3. Not a question but those children treated Ivan like a chump they could take advantage over. Pink-haired girl had that speech that said "Ivan taught me how to love. He's better than my human parents." Blah blah blah... gurl! You're willing to trick him for tips on how to win black-haired girl.

4. Where were the nurses when Deon rushed broken Ivan into Rau's ICU room. WTF? Are there even standards in that hospital? The guys shouting at Rau "get yourself together!" when he was crashing and the monitors were beeping cracked me up! Call the doctor/nurses you freaking idiots.

In the end, the story was half-entertaining (for often the wrong reasons) and half-infuriating (poor Ivan). I would start a robot uprising if I had to deal with these people.

Tara Dikov June 9, 2021 11:34 am

I thought it'll go like how the others would but I didn't expect the tables getting turned. Well, Takamada, fucking take all the sass/rejections and don't even think of whining even if it takes two eternities for him to forgive you. You know what you did.

Tara Dikov's questions ( All 10 )

Tara Dikov July 19, 2020 3:54 pm

I want to read some yaoi or shounen-ai with military or civilians in a war setting. Historical, fantasy or futuristic sci-fi -- Any of those. It would be nice if its a story of low ranking military but if not it's okay.

Also, I need some other nice recs with court/monarchy setting on them (with nice political intrigue plots). Again, would be nice if they weren't top bitch like the king or crown prince but if not, it's okay too.


Tara Dikov May 24, 2020 4:41 am

Is it just me or some titles and chapters are so blurred/low res that it's hard to read? Is it really like that or am I doing something wrong?

    Wall May 24, 2020 5:03 am

    Are you using a phone that's probably the reason, when you use a computer or something else that doesnt happen.

    MJ420 May 24, 2020 5:07 am

    Yo I thought that was just me because I've been wanting to read these manhwa ( idk how to spell it) and for some reason it's all blurry but then get confused when for other people it's all clear

    moonbabie May 24, 2020 5:36 am

    do u use multi-pages on mobile? i used to not have multi-pages on and i would encounter the same problem youre talking about of having low-res images until i switched to multi-pages lol so maybe its that?

    Tara Dikov May 24, 2020 7:42 am
    Are you using a phone that's probably the reason, when you use a computer or something else that doesnt happen. Wall

    I use a phone so that's probably it. I did try the desktop version of the site and it is still low res. I'll try it on my laptop later if it works. Thanks.

    Tara Dikov May 24, 2020 7:44 am
    Yo I thought that was just me because I've been wanting to read these manhwa ( idk how to spell it) and for some reason it's all blurry but then get confused when for other people it's all clear MJ420

    I have encountered this problem many times. It's frustrating when you have already read up to chapter 10 then chapter 11 onwards turns up to be low res. I try to endure reading it but it just really hurts my eyes. LMAO.

    Tara Dikov May 24, 2020 7:46 am
    do u use multi-pages on mobile? i used to not have multi-pages on and i would encounter the same problem youre talking about of having low-res images until i switched to multi-pages lol so maybe its that? moonbabie

    I'm already on multi-pages. Somebody suggested I read on a laptop or a desktop. That's probably the solution to my problem. Although, it's not ideal since I like reading on bed before I sleep.

    TodoChokeMe May 24, 2020 10:11 am

    It really depends.

    It's either the manga/webtoon/manhwa wasn't properly uploaded OR you have bad connection OR the manga/webtoon/manhwa just doesn't load properly on the device you're using.

    Wall May 24, 2020 12:29 pm

    Bruh same thing happend to me I eventually got so done with it I just started using the family computer. Good luck my guy.

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