Any BL manga that's uke is TSUNDERE
similar to these one's:
https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/aiharakunto_kashimakunha_rabukome_kamoshirenai/ https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/the_shapeshifting_family/
just power through the first chapter the rest isnt that bad i promise
Does anyone know the reading order for Doukyuusei/Classmates? I want to read the one where they get married, but i rlly need the reading order ToT
I've already read
- Doukyuusei
- Sotsugyousei
1. Doukyuusei (Classmates)
2. Sotsugyousei (Graduate)
3. Sora to Hara(Story of Teacher)
4. Occupation to Beloved Sequel to Sotsugyousei
5. Graduation Certificate - Epilogue, Artbook
6. Dousoukai (Apr 28, 2015) | 1 Chapter - One-Shot
7. Doukyuusei: Gold Ring & Silver Ring Side Story of Doukyuusei
8. Blanc Last part of three series
9. Futari Gurashi (Living Together)
10. Sajou Rihito no Chichi to Sono Buka Spin-off of Doukyuusei
How are people more celebrating about this getting animated over worrying that that's an actual kid...
my little niece is an actual kid. Tsubaki is a fictional idea of a boy tha does not exist.
B-but what about the fictional minor?! If I don’t defend them how will I gain internet points!?
ThAt's FiCtIoNaL wE ArE hAvInG OrGaSm BeCaUsE wE cAn FiNnAlLy wAtcH pArTiAL sHoTa PoRn,wE'rE pEdOs bUt iT's FiCtIoN sO iT dOeSn'T cOuNt,hOw dArE yOu hAvE cOmMoN sEnSe?
@mellow nigga do you gain internet points for defending this pedo shit? I guess you do
@Itiswhatitis why are you still here?...
look, could you got ask the shota of this story how he feels about all of this? he'll settle it
@Lain why nigga? Do you think you own this comment section ?this is not your basement lil bro,Just like how you can comment WHATEVER you want i can do the same,if you're so offended then grow a fucking spine and deal with it,And write properly i can barely understand what you mean.do you mean the kid? Oh how can i forget that you lack common sense lol, a kid doesn't know any better! A kid can't give consent! So no! I can't ask the kid it'll be useless,the one who's almost adult should be responsible