Jayking like the answer
Hmmm......lowkey I think beingyou is kinda hot, like okay mama, your skills is list, could you LIST me ways to shkaddle boom chika wow wow w/chu
Jayking created a topic of Kill My Mother

This is interesting dodder anyone know more like it?

Jayking asked a question

Like we all know the reincarnation of the fl when she is a child then grows up I need that but gay!! Pls I’m desperate. I just want gay reincarnation romance.

Jayking like the answer
Please shut the fuck up, you’re like 12.
Jayking add 1 photos to WTF
Jayking answered question about listen to music
This is now a competition I shall be first in everything next year!!!
Jayking followed a goer

If you don't like my driving then maybe you shouldn't be       walking on the sidewalk 

29 11,2023
Jayking answered question about dating
Jayking answered question about take a screenshot
Jayking answered question about question
I’ll just screenshot some of these methods lol, it honestly even if it hurts, you clearly are suffering so just do it,I’ve been trying and I slit my wrist, dident work and tried overdoing but nothing so you kinda gotta get creative or just fuck it and start acting crazy doing drugs, live like everyday is your last!!
Jayking add 1 photos to awww
Jayking answered question about chat about anything
My hobbies include vaping, wanting to die, art, reading, sleeping and being uncomfortably horny
Jayking answered question about first kiss
I was reading on webtoon and it said go to this site for the dirty version of the manhwa so I clicked it and years later I am here still reading yaoi and reincarnation manga and manhwa
Jayking answered question about skipping class
That is nothing I be vaping and making out with people in the stairwell lol
Jayking add 1 photos to read
Jayking add 1 photos to read
Jayking answered question about fear of men
It's nothing to fancy just a demonic ritual lol
Jayking answered question about did something sexual at school
Pls tell me I not the only one
Jayking add 1 photos to pose