this literally has r@pe in it?? bye edit: if u reply to this saying shit like "every manga like this has rape in it" kys. why am i saying something about this manga and not other ones? Because we all start somewhere. this isn't ok, the fact that some of you are defending it is disappointing i don't understand. rape isn't something to be taken lightly like songs etc please try to understand

And likr even a lots of shoujo and shonen have rape and sexual assault, ppl really be acting like yaoi is special only cause it s gay while their favourite chara is a 16 yo with e cup who keeps on getting assaulted
Plus This bitch is also someone who mostly read shojo things and she legit came to this manga only to comment this bullshit idk if she is retarted or like to lose time but its because of waste of oxygen like this person that the earth is becoming worse ans worse

Are you fucking stupid? No one is defending rape. Just because you like something does not mean you support the bad things in it. Why are you treating this like its the only manga that includes rape? This whole site shows mangas that is full of rape. You aren’t saying shit about those. Because tiktok told Y’all to hate it, thats why you’re slandering it. Cause people like you can’t form their own opinions.

because tiktok told me i hate it?? you're right for the most part but there's nothing wrong with it? But i said it because ive formed my own opinion and im not saying shit about other yaois bc of stupid ppl like you. "Because tiktok told Y’all to hate it, thats why you’re slandering it." im "slandering" it becuase its RAPE?? are u fucking kidding me? shut the fuck up, if u read yaois and bls with rape in it, youre basically telling me that your an idiot

Then why tf aren’t you slandering the other animes that include rape and was also trending? That proves my point. It’s fucking dumb how people like you focus on fiction when there are actual people who has been asking for help because they were getting raped. Y’all simply choose to ignore them and constantly talk about ybc and how bad it is. There are so many animes/mangas that are worse, that were trending but y’all just ignore those?

Then start speaking on other manga’s that actually have rape. Shit like love is an illusion, if you hate me so, kiss me liar and shit like that. Those are the ones that are trending and no one cares that they include multiple rape scene. It be the same people who say ybc is rape, and “csem”. Might as well just call out bl because rape is normalized in Bl. Why is no one talking about that? You guys are only hating on ybc because it’s a trend to.

why aren't i? don't like u know me, i have not on here and i don't have anything to prove to or rather i don't have too. i don't "focus on fiction" when i see some that isn't right i say something, oh and ive been raped, WOW bet you didn't know that, ive never ignored them ive always talked about them on my platforms. please stfu

i do!! trust me im sorry that you don't believe me, sorry with my topic thing the actual reason i dont speak about it a lot is because, i get so hate and so many ppl telling me how to feel and to focus on "real problems not fiction" in a way this is real, it promotes rape and its horrible i talk about the things that happened irl as well as fiction

Yeah of course your made your own opinion
Bitch you didnt even read this and you dont know shit about this manga beside what titktok told you
How tf is that your own opinion
And on top of that even if it had rape some people may just like psycological or horrror manga that doesnt mean they are stupid
İt just means they arent a pushy slut who tries to force their opinion on people

Gurl no offense but you are so stupid
There isnt even rape in this and just bc of what you heard on tiktok you keep saying there is despite the fact that there isnt and the worse is that after you pathetically say that its your own opinion even tho it s obvious as hell that you didnt even read this
Please stop being a pathetic whore and return to your shoujo manga for 8 yos
i’m soo glad the crown prince is the actual end game mlヾ(☆▽☆) i loved him from the start ykwhat about y’all?