Nikkidiary created a topic of Black Cat Boyfriend

I thought that since he was a cat who can turn into a human, that somehow, one way or another, he'll manage to get a human-like lifespan. Why is that part (him turning into a human) magic but his lifespan isn't?! Cat beastman with a cat's lifespan!? Ugh... I think I also saw a main character's backstory with his father being a wolf and dying early too... I thought that there'd be a sudden genetic enhancement where he could live a human's lifespan... or maybe turn completely human...

Still, maybe his child's life would be longer since he's part human. Maybe, since cats can live for 18 years according to the internet, maybe his child's life can be up to 45 years or so, and if he marries a human girl too, maybe their child can live almost as long as a human.
I guess in some way it can be seen as a happy ending, since they lived together for "several years" and even had a kid together. He passed away in a warm and loving home.

Fluffy main characters who love each other a lot.
They're so cute I wish there was more of them, maybe an extra in their day to day life, or maybe some sort of video with Yachiro maybe hiding his face but still is obviously him (maybe helping Yuzuha with cooking/baking).

Nikkidiary created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

So I presume the other two children probably have only one tree for the both of them? Because both parents didn't know they were twins, and presumably had the same tree-selecting moment done for them as was done for their sister. Or, somehow, that came after the discovery, and so they each get a tree.

Nikkidiary created a topic of Omega Bite

Then they're both not going to be happy if an alpha or two appears between them. One because he had fallen in love(?) already, and the other because it would disrupt his enjoyment (I mean, he did like that guy, but he appears to prioritize the plan and making his dreams come true more than the guy.) If either of them get bitten during a crucial moment, it's bye bye to their relationship. If the author decides to throw in the "fated pair" thing, and make it a pretty strong compulsion, that, too, can easily break their relationship. This is of course setting aside the more important parts of this story, but this is considering their current life and possible future. Ah, well, I think the blonde haired guy might be able to plan for that, too. No way would he want anyone to disrupt this.

I can't help but wish that she would have a friend who would directly ask her, "Is it that you like him because of how you saw him in your dreams, and you're forcing your ideals on him, or that you genuinely like him?" And " Get to properly know the real him, don't use your dreams as basis, and don't overshadow him with his alternate version, either. How would he feel if he were to eventually learn that the girl who liked him did so because he was such a sweetie in her dreams? Look at him as himself. Don't rely on dreams. Don't rely on ideals. Just... look at him. If you still like him, then proceed from there." And also, "Sometimes, you need to do your best to make things work. Other times, you need to give people at least a little bit of space. To be honest, and I'm not being mean, just truthful here, you are deliberately pushing for stuff to happen when he doesn't want any of that. Respect his boundaries but that doesn't mean you could just give up - persistence might work but keep it moderate. Finally - as you may already know, not everything in dreams comes to reality - even if you have superpowers."

I'm guessing that this would make her cry, maybe even be in denial, but seriously, if she wasn't such a cute main-character type girl she may very well just be seen as a persistent, borderline creepy character who knows the future somehow.

Nikkidiary created a topic of Hebi no Seikatsu

The translator's notes at the beginning of each chapter definitely cut down quite a bit on the stinging pain of both stories.

Still, I hope that the author makes a separate story wherein the two sad people in the two stories find love and romance. It just feels unfair to them, with their love just turning out to be a dream. They did get some form of a happy ending, so I guess this is just a hopeless wish that may not be necessary anyway.

Nikkidiary created a topic of Ibara no Naka no Hana

I think Asagi is also kind of a little warped.
For one, even if he almost doesn't have any friends, he's basically unable to go anywhere, ever, and he can never talk to people outside, unless permitted. At first one understands its for the contract, but later on, even when finding out the truth (and even after being told that he could break the contract and still have help for Aoi), he still chooses to stick around - I guess it's all in Kaname's predictions, seeing as I doubt he'd let him go at all. He's just giving Asagi the illusion of choice, to let him feel a little more free. That tidbit about him liking him, wanting to help him, and that he feels "caged" definitely contributed into winning Asagi over. But even then, wouldn't he at least have the contract broken, and just visit Kaname or date him normally? Also, not only does he never mention his best friend, he also seems to have decided to completely give up on ever talking to him again.

Seeing as how big his friend is supposed to be for him, you'd at least expect him to voice concerns about that guy, or ask for permission as according to contract. Not that Kaname would easily allow it, but I feel like if he got to learn the truth about his best friend, and who the true traitor is, as well as get to talk to him afterwards one last time, I think that would definitely provide a bit of closure for him.

And as far as I can see, the betrayal bit isn't completely cleared. Asagi never learned who the true culprit was, and Kaname didn't expand on it or properly clear his name. He just indirectly appealed to Asagi and said he wanted to start anew. Maybe the "clearance" of his name is simply that he completely denies being the traitor, barely any additional explanation needed. So maybe, in Kaname's mind, even if he did reveal who the true culprit is, Asagi might forgive his best friend and even decide to reconcile, thinking, "Ah, this guy just likes me, that's why", considering he seemed to accept Kaname's words like that. Or perhaps, it still lingers in Kaname's mind, that Asagi would choose to trust that guy over him. In that case, the current path in the story is the only one he thought is best - crush the other guy's hopes and spirit and guard the complete truth from Asagi, only letting him see pretty things. Because maybe, like before, he wouldn't be trusted.

Nikkidiary followed a goer
26 04,2024

To the translator/uploader: Thank you for your hard work translating! I'm really grateful to be able to read it. I get the general meaning of most things, and can make sense of most of the stuff. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the chapters!

I liked this webtoon, but rereading it again I see the reason why I kept it out of my mind until now - it was just too short. It was funny, it was simple, but full of emotion, characters are pretty memorable - but it's too short. At least we got the confession + they're together now, plus he's finally confronted his older brother with regards to the truth.

Ch. 3 pg. 29.
He removed his shirt, but in the next panel he wore it again. Then on the next page, he doesn't have a shirt on again. I couldn't focus on the rest of the chapter after that. I mean, I've seen inverted hands and feet (right hand on left arm, left foot on right leg) , and I'm not usually too observant, but I was definitely caught off guard by this one.

It's not the main focus but I'm glad they invited the black haired girl to the wedding. They weren't very close and there's persistent misunderstandings, but it made all of them happy with her invitation and attendance.

Story is filled with emotion and it's not too hard to see the characters' motivations, but it does feel a bit incomplete. There are elements that stick out and feel unnatural to an otherwise smooth path of a story, and I feel like there should have been more chapters, at least expanding a bit on things.

-I feel like the hurtful statement Mamoru said as a kid was simply brushed under a rug after it was overshadowed by what his mom had said. That leads me to think that it was there to mislead Mamoru into thinking all these years that it might've been the reason why Kana changed so much, because if he rejected him gently, or even if he had accepted Kana's feelings, Kana would still think back on what Mamoru's mom had said, and feel guilty, therefore there's no big reason for him to say those things to drive the plot other than to make him feel guilty.

-On that note, they also didn't further address what's going on in Kana's family apart from that one flashback. Surely they've noticed when he changed not only his appearance, but also stayed out late and misbehaved as a junior high student.
As it is, it's surprising that he changed a bit in college. It's like their appearance was only to make the readers know that "Kana's backed into a corner, with no family, and no friends." and nothing else.

-What about the rumors of Kana's supposed older girlfriend? Why not expand a little bit more onto his friends and junior high years? This time, their existence was there to highlight Kana's life without Mamoru, but in spite of their limited appearance they're not completely off-putting in contrast to the two other things that makes the story feel incomplete, like simply tacked elements. As such, with the help of presumption based on similar stories, and inferrences, one can pretty much integrate them better into the story and somewhat complete that scene of him in junior high school.

But this is just what I might think, I could be wrong, although I think anyone who reads this and spends a while pondering would notice that even disregarding these elements, the story feels a bit incomplete for starting things but not ending them, leading to loose ends everywhere. As such, since the story is completed, if there is to be no sequel nor side story addressing the incomplete parts, one may only presume with implications strewn about, and properly tie the elements of the story together.

Chii gets overwhelmed by Nishiki's actions and gets mad/runs away, Nishiki doesn't explain, and Chii later finds out more and learns that there's more to Nishiki's actions.

Really a short and cute story, and my favorite part is always the drawings of the snake and mouse at the back of Chii and Nishiki. Especially the snake, because for the most part the mouse is usually surprised/horrified. It appears that they, too, are aware of these characteristics, hence why Chii called him a reptile and views him as a snake (views herself and her family as mice), and Nishiki appears to see Chii as like a mouse (I don't know if he's aware of himself being snake-like.)

Considering the difference in classes, there may be some trouble afoot for the couple in the future, but I feel like they're going to be just fine.

It's pretty cute, but I'm not too fond of Commander's slight arrogance.
Guess that's one of the things Alexei grew to like, though.
Also, while I understand his concerns of Alexei simply beig swept around or being someone who is seemingly too carefree, I think it's almost ridiculous how he didn't even want Alexei to meet with his family and friends until Alexei reasons with him - he's not even familiar with his family, and already he views them in a negative manner, with the whole "I own Alexei now" as his main reason.
Still, it's supposed to be a cute and sweet story, and Alexei is such a lovable and beautiful-looking character, plus I'm definitely thinking too much about that bit, being that it's supposed to be lighthearted, so it's just a slight dissatisfaction on my part, I suppose.

I couldn't help but cry a little when I read Ch. 29. After arriving in this world, he is immediately rejected and pushed off a ledge, then hurled insults at, and finally "disposed" of.
In such a painful, miserable way, too... the first thing he sees is the disappointment of his summoner, and the last thing he sees is the departing figure of his resuscitator after rejecting him thoroughly - all in a span of possibly 10 minutes or less. How helpless had he felt as they were discussing his fate? When he kneeled at the cold marble floor, awaiting his "disposal", what was he thinking? Was he resenting his resuscitator? Was he hating himself? Was he insulting his fate? It just... I had to stop reading for a bit after that moment, before Meltier did the explaining.

As someone who did play a gacha game, I immediately thought of the characters I don't use anymore or never used at all. I always thought of it as simply them taking a rest, somewhere out there, doing their own stuff until we call for them. At least they thrive even as "copies" of the original people. This "game" is so brutal and made me feel miserable. It makes me rethink a lot of things and made me do some reflecting. If I didn't have things to do, I would've lied down and pondered about it a bit more.

Due to how nice the art is and how intrigued I am of the story, I searched for spoilers and learned that the Author had deleted the web novel, but focuses on light novel. According to some people, light novel is up to Vol.5.
And I don't know whether I'll ever get access to that, so I really hope to continue reading this.

I've seen a few pairings of girlish boys and boyish girls. But I definitely didn't see who was who in here!!
It's like Ai Ore all over again for me!
I'm not super fond of its short format, but I really love the artstyle and the pairing.

Nikkidiary created a topic of Sugar Glazed Darling

These two are sweeter than the sugar glazed donuts.

Nikkidiary created a topic of Binbougami Okotowari!?

It was a fun, cute read. Wish there was more chapters - but it's simply a oneshot. Well, it's probably better this way, than to see the story being dragged on and end with nothing changing because "Everyday life is awesome and nothing else needs to change".