Nikkidiary's feed

For me, spoilers are great for this kind of story, so I really appreciate all the comments below.
I mean, it was a terrible life she lived, like life was out to really get her and make her suffer.
Her parents die, her friend and loyal housekeeper dies, her husband scorns and neglects her, her mother-in-law vehemently abhors her, and even her child was raised to fear/dislike her.
At that point I would've just absolutely refused anything to do with them once I realize time has turned back. It was painful how they just wanted her to live a life worse than death.
What hit most of all was that even her child was taken away from her, and raised that way...

But after reading the comments and skimming through the raws, I believe the greatest sacrifice that time was not done by her husband, but by her child.
He bet his life for her return, and for all the terrors of losing one's life, especially at such a young age, he readily accepted death if it meant bringing her back, even if he barely met with her and knew her, even if it might not work.

So, if fate was to be changed with memories intact, doesn't that mean that what happens afterwards may also very well be a gamble? I mean, will she marry him again? Will she bear his child again? Will that son of hers be reborn again, or will it be a different child? (Therein poses the dilemma of whether or not the child is the same or different, and I suppose the short answer is that in the event that the son is reborn, that child is the same, but is different at the same time. The same in a biological sense, but different in everything else, because there's a chance he would not experience what the previous him did.) In other words, what are the chances that the child would come to existence and meet his mom again? (Just in the current timeline a couple of guys seemed to be interested in her... in the event she falls in love with and marries someone else, he would not exist. Would they simply accept it with resignation, as a price to pay for their regrets? I know that the husband will still be the person she ends up with, but I can't help but think about this.)

It's just that after reading the raws, I feel sorry for both the main character and her child. While a part of me doesn't want her to end up entangled with the duke in any way, part of me wants her to happily live with that child of hers, and for him to experience life with her, that he seemed to desire in his past life, in spite of his grandmother's teachings. I want his sacrifice to at least be rewarded, not only for his mom or dad, but for him as well. I know that sometimes sacrifice doesn't have anything in return. But he deserves happiness too. Seeing his death in that one chapter makes me think that he truly loves his mom, even if he might not meet her, even if he might not experience her warmth in the future, and it makes me teary.