Nikkidiary's feed

Story is filled with emotion and it's not too hard to see the characters' motivations, but it does feel a bit incomplete. There are elements that stick out and feel unnatural to an otherwise smooth path of a story, and I feel like there should have been more chapters, at least expanding a bit on things.

-I feel like the hurtful statement Mamoru said as a kid was simply brushed under a rug after it was overshadowed by what his mom had said. That leads me to think that it was there to mislead Mamoru into thinking all these years that it might've been the reason why Kana changed so much, because if he rejected him gently, or even if he had accepted Kana's feelings, Kana would still think back on what Mamoru's mom had said, and feel guilty, therefore there's no big reason for him to say those things to drive the plot other than to make him feel guilty.

-On that note, they also didn't further address what's going on in Kana's family apart from that one flashback. Surely they've noticed when he changed not only his appearance, but also stayed out late and misbehaved as a junior high student.
As it is, it's surprising that he changed a bit in college. It's like their appearance was only to make the readers know that "Kana's backed into a corner, with no family, and no friends." and nothing else.

-What about the rumors of Kana's supposed older girlfriend? Why not expand a little bit more onto his friends and junior high years? This time, their existence was there to highlight Kana's life without Mamoru, but in spite of their limited appearance they're not completely off-putting in contrast to the two other things that makes the story feel incomplete, like simply tacked elements. As such, with the help of presumption based on similar stories, and inferrences, one can pretty much integrate them better into the story and somewhat complete that scene of him in junior high school.

But this is just what I might think, I could be wrong, although I think anyone who reads this and spends a while pondering would notice that even disregarding these elements, the story feels a bit incomplete for starting things but not ending them, leading to loose ends everywhere. As such, since the story is completed, if there is to be no sequel nor side story addressing the incomplete parts, one may only presume with implications strewn about, and properly tie the elements of the story together.