Nikkidiary March 2, 2025 3:10 am

Is this completed? I think this is one of those stories that may need a second volume.
There's a lot of things resolved and clarified, and also a lot more things that I'd like to see, like Haruto being able to go back into society and get a job.

It was worrying to see him caught between two people who scare me a little:
A woman who wants him to throw away everything and become her little pet or doll, and sees nothing wrong with it who he fell in love with
A man who is possessive, can get forceful, and makes decisions for him a lot.

Either way he can't be free with those two, no matter how much they promise their own terms of freedom. (In that regard, Asahi is better; thinking of a way to let Haruto get back into society)
It would probably be better if he gave some space while checking in on Haruto from time to time. Give him encouragement, maybe enjoy some activities together like playing games, hiking, traveling, etc.

It's scary to think that if it wasn't for his mom's call, it would just be Asahi persisting in something Haruto can't accept, and him feeling terrible and coerced into everything, rather than him genuinely making a foundation to stand up in.

I was thinking that Asahi's love is purely unrequited to the end, and nothing will change that, but with the extras, I think that Haruto is starting to also be interested in Asahi- visiting Asahi in his workplace and getting jealous, wanting to be together after being given space - perhaps all according to Haruto's plan, by monopolizing him and yet making it appear that he is setting him free - like a push-pull effect of sorts.

But I think that, despite his possessiveness, if Haruto genuinely falls in love with a suitable woman, and is adamant about being with her, Asahi will probably let go. He was close to doing so until he remembered that the lady was a terrible person to be with, one that might destroy his brother. No waiting "for things to settle down", no chance of him becoming independent, or even be his own proper person, just overly dependent on her. And while he kind of wants the same from Haruto (for Haruto to depend on him the most), he understands, at least, that this will cripple his brother and make him no better than a doll on display. So, if a suitable woman who really appreciates and encourages Haruto appears, he might relent eventually.

Right now, at its ending after the extras, while his feelings show promise, it's not like Haruto has acknowledged them. Unless he meets new people, especially those who are accepting and nice, we can't really tell, and he might consider his dependence on Asahi's encouragement and pampering as "love" rather than genuinely being on equal footing and properly falling in love: as in, "despite all options, I chose you, because I love you even with all other things considered" kind of thing, rather than "he gives me what I want, I give him what I want, he's the only one who can do this for me, it must be love." It's almost similar to how he was with the lady from before.

I guess Asahi doesn't mind as long as Haruto ends up his, but it'll always linger as something wobbly, unsecure, and delicate rather than something sturdy and sure.

Nikkidiary February 22, 2025 2:35 am

It would have been a disaster if due to that misunderstanding, he somehow fell in love with someone else during those 4 long years.
Then again, if he was the type to somehow lose his hearing temporarily due to shock and heartbreak, enough to misunderstand the main point, then I doubt he'll move on all that easily. Even at the point wherein he was angry and wanted to give up before being confronted with the truth, I doubt he'd be easily able to move on considering how he is. I mean, in spite of everything, he continued to love his Hyung.
So it all worked out despite the mess at the beginning, thanks to their unwavering love and dedication to each other.

Nikkidiary February 10, 2025 3:02 am

Story is like a highly overpowered garden hose rather than a gentle sprinkler. I wanted Sigmund to remain a little more jaded and cold, and Brunhild to be more reluctant with anything else than his duties - because it makes everything feel halfhearted, even with his supposed duties.

It feels like they were two dolls smooshed together by their golden-haired friend and they chose to velcro hands and play date, when neither of them are really interested in both the dating matter and each other. It just felt more off, like it's there to forcibly power the jealousy of Sigmund and make Brunhild think about it more.

I guess that was my main gripes with it: that the dating felt like it was just crammed there, and that everything was fast-paced.

Overall I feel neutral about it, I can see how some people might enjoy its rapid progress and quick resolution (I like those things, too, but "emotions and action" mixed with "fast-paced" is a flavor that's 50-50 to me (might like it or not be fond of it), especially when a mystery ingredient just appears to dilute rather than enhance the dish. Sorry, don't know how else to refer to it...) a rather lighthearted read thanks to its speed, it's cute and the art is beautiful.

Nikkidiary January 31, 2025 3:09 am

Since it's "The end", I hope that Lala gives birth safely, that she remains healthy and lives a good, long life for her own sake and for all those who love her. I do think she'll be fine because she has Alistair with her and he's an excellent mage, but that doesn't discount the threat of other nobles, not to mention royalty. Her good heart is her greatest strength and weakness, and she can put a lot of trust in others, so if someone could zero in on Alistair's weakness, and then to Lala's weakness, and exploit it...

They shouls check on the villains every now and again, watch over their dealings, and keep them away from Lala and those she knows. That way they won't exploit a poor child or family or creature and Lala won't end up being ensnared. (Hah, at that point Alistair might end up becoming

    Nikkidiary January 31, 2025 3:11 am

    Becoming The country's king, to keep the nobles in check. Accidentally pressed post before typing out everything...)

Nikkidiary December 18, 2024 4:01 am

Artstyle is cute. The eyes are sometimes too vivid, like they're permanent floursecent bulbs, but it doesn't look too bad.
Story was... ok. It's not too different compared to similar "pitiful ML/2nd ML/Villain finds love in a dedicated reincarnator/transmigrator who will do everything to make them happy." There are a ton of stories with that premise that I've grown to love.
What I wasn't too fond of was the way she left due to the plot changing too much. I understand if she left because of their positions and ages.
I understand if she considered his fixation.
But after changing the plot so much and even being resonsible for healing his curse, she says she doesn't want to change the plot too much? It already changed the moment she stepped in as his maid and warmed his heart. It already changed when he healed him. Did she really want the plot to proceed as normal? Even considering what could happen to him later? There are potentially other ways for her to try and divert his feelings:
Try to let him meet new people.
Make him trust others more.
Be by his side and treat him as a family member, and be firm about it, regardless of how she also feels.
Why leave him and cruelly reject him with the thought that the story changed too much after decidedly changing his childhood?

...Ok, I guess I'm too nitpicky with that tiny detail.

But it's like watching a teenage comedy romance, with the only reason why they're aged up is for them to participate in politics and make big decisions. Pouting, whining, and acting cute are commonplace. It gets a little tiring after a while. It's not even a cute trait - the entire family acted like that 20 years later. I get that there's sappy love, and unchanging relationships, but they really are acting like literal children - even Ibelina, who seems the most mature, is no exception. I'm all for "being yourself", I tend to have childish interests and sometimes act immature but it's like they don't act like children, they ARE children. In the case of the audience with the emperor during his birthday - the emperor might forgive it, and they are 2nd highest, but doing being petty, rude, and childish in front of other nobles? On his birthday? It sets a bad precendent. You can express your displeasure without downright disrespecting him ON his birthday IN FRONT of the nobles - even if it doesn't foster potential disrespect from the other nobles and other classes, even if the emperor doesn't mind, the other nobles might. They may not do anything about it, but it still reflects badly - and in a noble society wherein connections are essential, they basically played jesters of the court.

I don't know, I'm just whining, it all just didn't sit well with me. Nonetheless, I did like the story enough, and as one of the first I've seen of its kind back then, it holds a spot in my memories.

Nikkidiary December 15, 2024 11:20 am

The last sidestory(?) was a little confusing, but I think I can imagine what may have happened, maybe. Little 8 year old Nine wanted to meet someone warm, as he said somewhere here. He likely made that wish on a full moon, and hence it was granted - on the moment wherein there is no more danger nor crisis, and their feelings for each other are already clear and determined. If it happened earlier, Melissa might not have been able to give him all that much care due to dealing with crisis after crisis, not to mention how it might impact future Nine's relationship with Melissa. So, he likely replaced older Nine for a moment, until the magic wore off and he went back to his world. After that, little Nine was determined to meet her again - perhaps in a different timeframe, in a path that leads to a similar future? This is what confuses me. I don't think Melissa had to wait for this Nine to grow up, as old as she is, for them to reunite, when they were already together.
If it's an alternate story, universe, and timeline, then we can't guarantee if it's the same "Melissa" that this Nine will meet. So, maybe, little Nine reunited with another version of this reincarnated Melissa, outside of the usual story too, but in a different path? And then, in the previous world, adult nine must've simply thought of it as a strange dream, probably to be told that a younger him had played with everyone in there?

    tati December 24, 2024 3:30 am

    I honestly just thought that the memories were replaced/added to when he was 7-8 years old, because he made that wish for himself I was going to think that ur theory of him being replaced by a different him might be correct but then where would the adult nine go? I don't like that he'll never see the same Melissa so I'm gonna stay blissful and think the memories were added for my sake

    Nikkidiary December 24, 2024 7:07 am
    I honestly just thought that the memories were replaced/added to when he was 7-8 years old, because he made that wish for himself I was going to think that ur theory of him being replaced by a different him mi... tati

    Yeah, I was worried about that, but quickly dismissed it - like I said, that's just one theory, after all, otherwise that would mean she's going to be a lot, lot older when they reunite. - My persisting theory that it was just a slight moment for little Nine, to grant his wish... adult Nine would return to take his place as he woke up in his real world.

    What he thought was a dream, could very well be an alternate universe. The one thing jarring this pleasant thought is the fact that while there are several story universes, there's only one Melissa.

    So, maybe, it's a "link". His young self's wish made it a possibility, his memories afterwards pushed him to move forward, wish granted, and wake up as adult Nine. He experienced a dream-like childhood with Melissa. A mix between dream and reality, youth and maturity.

    Spangles March 2, 2025 11:36 am
    Yeah, I was worried about that, but quickly dismissed it - like I said, that's just one theory, after all, otherwise that would mean she's going to be a lot, lot older when they reunite. - My persisting theory ... Nikkidiary

    I know I'm a bit late, but I got time loop vibes.

    He made the wish as an eight year old it came true in him travelling to the future and experiencing a day with the person who will love him the most on his life. That is what gave him the hope and resilience to persist even if he doesn't have clear memories. It would also give more reasoning for why in the future he falls for her so hard and fast.

    As for where the him of her time is for that day when past him is in the future maybe he just skipped a day because magic, maybe his body was magicked smaller and he Hosted his past self's consciousness, maybe it's similar to whatever happened to OG Melissa just not permanent. Then when little Nine is eventually older it happens again where he makes way for 8 year old nine for a single day because of his past wish which was already granted.

    Nikkidiary March 2, 2025 2:52 pm
    I know I'm a bit late, but I got time loop vibes. He made the wish as an eight year old it came true in him travelling to the future and experiencing a day with the person who will love him the most on his life... Spangles

    After reading this and connecting everything together, I also think that's very likely the case. That werewolf magic sure is confusing, as well as the mix up of past and present, but it does make sense, thinking about it, that his past self may have faint memories of a kind and caring adult Melissa - I just couldn't fully wrap my head around it because Melissa is meant to be the only one to change the time loop that the Goddess had been setting in motion every time.

    This Melissa is meant to be the precedent because the original Melissa from before, the Melissa countless timeloops and stories before, was just the lovestruck, hopeless Melissa who loved her cheating fiance. Which was why it felt like an oddity wherein our present Melissa makes an impact on past Nine, because if he followed his timeline, that'd be a new Melissa, and perhaps not the current Melissa. But yeah, if I can simplify it and apply the theory, then there's no more timeloops - just their story, their past selves, their current selves, and just a strange conjunction between the two periods. To make it even more simple for my mind to unravel: it was all possible due to werewolf magic; there are no alternate future Melissas in this timeline; the new Melissa made it possible for past Nine to meet her present self through their future. There is only one Melissa, and this world's Nine, that made all this possible.

    ...I feel like I made a complicated matter seem even more complicated in my mind...

Nikkidiary November 30, 2024 12:58 am

While other's mind was immediately centered on something else, the first thing that came to my mind is worry. First, the dragon doesn't remember Taehyuk. Then, Hyo Un remembers him, but Taehyuk nearly dies. Then, Taehyuk forgets, gets abducted, and gets thrown to the sea. Even their past life is tumultous. Just when things were looking up, he's suddenly seized by a strange sickness which made him turn into a child... Considering the seriousness of the problems they faced, I'm just worried something terrible is brewing in the horizon.

Thinking about it more clearly, I am probably worrying too much. Taehyuk now has the orb, and their memories are restored. This could be nothing more than a small hiccup, perhaps an allusion to the fact that Hyo Un was once a child spoiled by Taehyuk along time ago. Maybe, like someone else said, he just wanted to relive his youth subconsciously, and wanted to be taken care of. Hopefully it's not too serious.

I guess what was really off is the timing of when this event took place. It could have happened before, or after... rather than when they're on their honeymoon. But, maybe the author will reveal the reasons why it had to take place now and how it should fit in the story.

Nikkidiary November 11, 2024 7:42 am

... Seeing the update date and the lack of topics under here, it looks like this might be one of those consigned to oblivion. If we're only to base this story on the 3 chapters we have, it doesn't seem to be the type to stand out too much, apart from that premise of an omega lady pretending to be an alpha, and a man who was supposed to be an omega but might be an alpha. Who knows? Maybe someone will pick this up...

    Rivinish February 6, 2025 10:19 pm

    The raws are completed but no one translated it unfortunately

Nikkidiary November 11, 2024 5:11 am

...In past life and Current life.
Past life:
Sia: Intensely possessive, Highly emotional, more dangerous.
Heeyoun: Keeps up walls and bluffs his way through (didn't let her know his feelings, didn't let her know the truth about his name , tried to make it appear that he doesn't care for her until his life was nearing its end, which was when he did express that he probably did care for her more than he let on), Didn't want to bear children, Wants to leave her and doesn't want to shackle her, Doesn't wish to cling.

Current life: (as if to make up for their past lives, somewhat...)
Sia: Still possessive, but keeps reminding herself of the contract, and trying to keep her thoughts and emotions under control more.
Heeyoun: Still trying to not to shackle her, still tries to bluff somewhat, but is more honest with his feelings- to the point wherein he wanted to hide his pregnancy for a little longer if only to maintain their contract, Expresses his love for her more (esp. in his youth), Wants to have children.

As if they're trying to make up for their regrets in their past life subconsciously, with Heeyoun being more honest and Sia being (slightly)more in control with herself (although the changes of the boy are more pronounced.) Maybe he also regretted the death of their children in his past life - so rather than see them as shackles like before, he sees them as a new family, that he is capable of taking care of. After all, times have changed - prejudices are less pronounced and his being an actor can rake in money compared to back in those days. The most pronounced thing, though, is probably that unlike his past self, rather than think that she should fall in love and find someone else, he isn't completely against the possibility of that someone being him.

    TheChilliest February 1, 2025 12:51 am

    I really liked your analysis, you looked at it from so many angles from past to reincarnations. my first read through I thought after the main story there was an alternate, ancient timeline for them that ended terribly and I remembered thinking I liked the modern version better. Another thing I thought of when reading your comment was how the children called to Heeyoun to help him and were excited about being their children, and even they got reincarnated not blaming him for the past. I wonder what it would've been like if they dreamed about or had glimpses of their past and could fully see the difference or even talk about it. I also like how much confidence he had in his second life in being the omega to her alpha.

Nikkidiary October 28, 2024 2:46 pm

It feels like the series has ended in a way that might allow for another volume, but whether it does or doesn't I hope to at least see an extra - nay, even just a single page- wherein he can finally see the restaurant owners' faces fully. I'm happy that the ending hints at him starting to truly move forward.

    Meow183 December 2, 2024 7:02 am

    But they are brothers

    Meow183 December 2, 2024 7:03 am
    But they are brothers Meow183

    Sorry replied to the wrong comment lol

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