JaysAndJakeSupremacy's feed

Funny to see people saying "4 yEaRS iS sHOrT" fine but you know that youre fitting your standard onto him and that is terribly ridiculous? 4 years is long for him and thats that. Maybe not for you, but yes for him. Also, just because he said its been 4 years, doesnt mean that he doesnt love his deceased wife enough like um tf how dare you just said that?(for the ones who said it) everyone's different including their loving capacities and time to move on. I myself believe that the right people doesnt come at the wrong time cause they are TIMELESS. So when the mc came, regardless of time, they are bound to meet and fall in love and thats completely okay. You can love your current lover and still love your deceased loved ones(unless your lover is a jealous much, then thats on a different storyline) by appreciating the memories you once shared with them but still continue painting a life for the future you want.

like cmon guys really? Moving on is just another step in life we all have to take. Yall who said its too short and disagree with him was just indirectly saying that he needs to grieve some more like 10 yrs or sumn