JaysAndJakeSupremacy's feed

JaysAndJakeSupremacy created a topic of Melt at Night

I SWEAR TO GOD SOME OF these people make it as if the perfect stories are the ones with perfect characters and indirectly or directly saying shits like "YOURE JUST JUSTIFYING IT AS A FICTION"

well nO SHIT SHERLOCK IT IS A FICTION and just because the other stories' characters are not as perfect as their ideal dream characters, make the story any less than another stories(with the so called perfect chars). Theres a reason why mistakes exists on this world and it is to make us humans; learn. BABE NO ONE IS PERFECT and (judging a character just because he behaved in an ill manner/badly/etc WHO is not even HUMAN with human values is RIDICULOUS). Im a writer and these ignorant bunch are such an insolent muffinhead and istg, DO NOT READ MY/THE STORY IF YOURE A STUBBORN OPINIONATED PERSON ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR IDEAL IMAGE.

thats not even constructive critism. It was just pure rude and disrespectful towards the author and other readers whom had learnt and enjoyed the story. sorry to say but if you cant even understand these basic logic and sense by disliking this, you need a better look at yourself. Have a good day.