I honestly wouldn't have read it had I known it was incest.
Because I generally don't read stories with that trope
But I was interested in the story so I kept going regardless. It's a fucked up story but I'm fine with it.
Was it a good story? Not sure. It was fine I suppose. And a bit traumatic. It is what it is.
Yu and Roku were really annoying. It's pretty sad that Ai didn't learn the things he did till it was too late. If only Makoto's father and Yamanobe had been more open and honest with Ai and Makoto, maybe some of this trauma could have been averted. They could have had a semi normal sibling relationship that didn't turn incestuous. But anyway.
I hope people learn to separate fiction and reality. Reading about murders doesn't mean I want to commit them. Reading about incest doesn't mean I condone it in real life. You don't get to hound people for reading fictional work and act like purity police while telling people to go kill themselves. It's completely fine if you are disgusted and want to comment about it. Stop reading the thing if you don't like it. But don't harass people over it. Go outside and love your life

So does anyone know what happened to chapter 11? It just went from 10 to 12 all of a sudden

hm idk if you can tell but several different people have been translating this. So what I THINK may have happened is that people were complaining in the comments about how chapter 11 was translated (I didnt think it was that bad but you know how ppl are) and the person who did that chapter might have deleted it or something. That's my guess.

How are both of these characters so miraculously stupid?
How did Louis even come to the conclusion that Maetel likes Rafael?
Also Louis seemed to recognise Maetel the first time they slept together in spite of the wig
So you'd think he'd recall something by now
He's been pregnant for quite some time now and he still isn't showing? Miracle baby
Maetel seriously thinks Louis would get with Wayton? Really?such an insecure person
Here comes the angst train
It was all fun and games up to this point
But shit's about to hit the fan