NORMALLY I dislike the stalker trope and sadists but...
Kaoru won me over. lmao! he was so crazy, but so loavable in a way.
I just laughed so hard reading this.
And at the same time my chest hurt at all the angsty bits.
such a dysfunctional pair. and the story was a bit whack, but it worked! and I found these nutjobs endearing.
I want more!!!
Let's watch them "have sex like bunnies" after they get home(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

I adore tsunderes. he's funny
but seriously, he was a dick saying that they're "just acquaintances..."
I'd have smacked him at that point.

well... I'm not defending Kenji, but he was clearly expecting some kind of reaction from Yocchan (kind of trying to provoque him)... I just wonder what reaction he was expecting..?

I know that he gets off on riling Yocchan up. But Yocchan has always shown that he wants Kenji and wants to be with him. So i don't think Kenji is in any position to "test" him if that was his goal.
I hope that Yocchan gives Kenji that cold shoulder because that seems to have worked the last time that Kenji thought Yocchan was ignoring him.
I won't say that Yocchan should man up, because it's obvious that Kenji would only view that as him being annoying or too pushy or getting ahead of himself.

Ok, let's get right to it
Was a horrified and slightly scarred?
But, let's get real~ bestiality is a thing
It does take place in the porn industry
It is perverted and gross.
But what? You're all ok with people being pressured into sex (like Ibuki here), but you draw the line at chickens?
If a love story materializes out of thin air, that makes everythn ok, right? (Sarcasm)
It's all disgusting if we're being truly honest.
I guess the mangaka put that in for shock factor and also to emphasize on the "reality" of the industry. And also as a tool to call out Ibuki on his holier-than-thou tirade. I'll give him props for speaking up and also taking responsibility in that situation.
Although, he really didn't put up much of a fight against taking part in the sex tape. And didn't seem as terrified as any normal straight man would in taking part in a sex tape and taking it up the ass for the first time
That was a major negative for me~ as in, i wish the mangaka had stressed on that a little more.

In total agreement with Yuta and chic. Cognitive-mature human beings have the power to 'reason', the ability to make choices, to defend themselves, whereas animals, children and cognitive-impaired adults don't. This is why children are universally deemed so precious, because of their vulnerability, their absolute dependency on adults. On the collective consciousness, to harm a child is considered the most repugnant sin of humanity, precisely because of that. The same principle applies to animals, because they cannot defend themselves from human 'mallice', while an adult human being has the ability to do so.
In my home, we are ardent animal lovers, especially dogs. We adopt strays and have a pack of them. One time my only son, a teenager at the time, jokingly complained that I prioritized our dogs, and I asked him what would he do if he got hungry and I or his father wasn't at home? and he replied the he would order take out or cook something for himself, I then asked him, what would happen if the dogs got hungry but nobody was home, what if nobody would ever come home? and he responded that they would starve...exactly. Domestic animals are absolutely dependent on their human retainers, and they cannot defend themselves against human neglect or human abuse (same goes for wild animals in captivity); from an ethical standpoint, their well being should take priority; however, this is not the reality because of speciesism, which is the erroneous, unethical idea that the human animal is superior to other animals.
This is not an argument in favor of animal rights over human rights, or condoning human rape, abuse, etc. which is unequivocally wrong. This is an argument that from an ethical standpoint, because of their absolute vulnerability to human reason, animal abuse, just like children abuse or cognitive impaired adult abuse, lies on a greater critical dimension.

I agree with you all
However, it's easy for us to say that people can refuse and defend, but there are many people in the porn industry who actually feel that they cannot do that. It's not always that easy to get out of it.
Also, let's say Ibuki did try to get out of it. Something tells me that the men there wouldn't have let him go so easily. He'd either be beaten to a pulp before being chucked out or physically be forced to take part in the sex tape.
He willingly took part probably to stay true to what he said about there being many able bodied men around who could take the chicken's place. And also because he was curious bout what it would be like to have sex with that guy.
Anyway, beastiality is obviously not okay and is disgusting.
I'm thankful that the manga artist didn't go down that road, and only alluded to it.
I also liked that the mangaka added that dialogue by the background characters saying, "it's our job. What can we do?"

I really REALLY love Jin & Momo's story.
I wanted to like Izumi and Haruto's one but they kinda come off as the crack story couple. Lol!
Momo & Jin though... they gave me life.
loved it
I hope it still continues

"crack story" a story with an insane, bizarre or ridiculous premise as its starting point.
That is what Haruto and Izumi's story is like to me.
"rapey"... ok. it may appear that way. but in terms of actually doing it, it was consensual. for both pairs.
you are entitled to your opinion and I am to mine
But don't say "no, it's the opposite." It's the opposite to you.
I didn't say either one was "rapey"

It doesn't just 'come off' that way. It is that way. If it's not completely consensual it's rapey. That's 'a crack story' by any definition that I can think of. Ah, well, guess I wasn't taking into account your own definition. And, no, rapey stories don't give me life. Glad I could finally clear up the basic gist of what I was trying to tell you. Thanks.

so rude

This manga is classic FWB catching feelings scenario.
What's with all the slut shaming?
I'm not too fond of the uke either but, I don't hate him either. There's nothing wrong with liking sex & saying it too.
Everyone's judging the uke without even trying to understand his mentality. Clearly something happened that made him the way he is now. We haven't even scratched the surface of these characters and you're already writing them off.
Wish people would quit it with the "I feel so bad for Jirou chan"~ he can save himself whenever he wants. And Toua just did him a favor by breaking it off.
We all know that they're gonna end up together so just pipe down, sit back and enjoy the angst ridden ride.
First off...i steer clear of Free!djs mostly cz I don't like them.
I didn't really ship anyone in Free! before, but if I had to, I'd go for Haru x Rin, or Rin x Sousuke and Mako x Haru.
I have never, not once, considered Mako x Rin as a possible pairing. But this doujinshi seamlessly worked the pairing together and made it something more tangible. of course, makoto is a bit of a douche here. his feelings are too unclear. i get why Rin would be hesitant... And i feel that it's a bit OOC for Makoto, cz he's a pretty straightforward guy and i can't imagine him not being clear about his feelings or doing anything to hurt someone else.
I still liked that it was semi realistic in that they aren't deluding themselves into thinking this is something that will work out or truly last, and that they are going to go their own paths and not suddenly change it for someone else.