Wasn't too fond of what went down in chapter 1. Even though Shou acknowledged what he did wrong, Kaoru let it slide too easily.
I did appreciate that he stopped himself from penetrative sex every subsequent time after that.
But all of a sudden in the extras after ch4 they're having sex and lots of it.
The panel with Shou saying he loves Kaoru,
But then in a later panel Kaoru thinking that their relationship is still unclear- it was very confusing.
Hopefully volume 2 clears things up a bit.
Overall interesting concept and pretty art- but from a storytelling perspective it's all over the place. The pacing suddenly rushed up in the extra.

A top that is super willing to bottom just so that his partner can experience the feeling of topping... I never thought I'd see it.
It's rare.
Most tops are shown to begrudgingly say that they're okay with it, while secretly relieve when it doesn't happen. Or they just flat out refuse.
It's the ones who flat out refuse who irk me most of the time.
Why do they assume the other person will naturally bottom? Half the time the other person seems coerced into bottoming.
Anyway, overall the story was okay.
The sex was wild. I love nipple play so I enjoyed this. I always enjoy sex scenes and foreplay with extra attention to the nipples

Not everyone likes to bottom and not everyone's a switch which is FINE. Everyone has their own preferences. And talking about bottoms knowing they'll bottom is not really a rare thing. Many just willingly bottom bcs they WANT to. There's no meed of an opinion or argument about when it's their effing life.

It's so frustratingly clear they love each other
I wonder what's holding Taesoo back
If Ho-In gets a chance simply because Taesoo doesn't have the balls to make it official, then I'm gonna be sad
Because that makes Ho-In a rebound
And that's gonna suck for him.
Ideally I'd like Taesoo and Chunwoo to work it out if they can
Or to have a clean break
But when you've been fucking your best friend for a long time, that's hard to quit

That doesn't seem like the right word
Anyone else have any idea what it's supposed to be?
Question isn't meant to be condescending to the translator(s) or proofreader(s) in any way, so I hope they aren't offended by it. The word "substitute" simply wasn't making sense to me in an office setting context. And so I asked for a clarification because I was confused.

You are absolutely right and so I went on raws and checked koreans honorifics for offices ( link is : https://www.koreanfluent.com/cross_cultural/korean_names_corporate_titles/korean_names_corporate_titles.htm) and so it says 대리// Dae Ree//The term “Dae Ree” literally means "deputy". When used as a stand-alone title without a qualifier, it is simply a rank, often lower than “Gwa Jang”(=Department / Section Head)
Is Bada perhaps an NPC?
Maybe there's a bug in the game which is why the characters are waking up.
Maybe the main player is actually Nam Doha because he's the only person who can actually kill the killer?
I always feel like there's more to Nam Doha. Like he's hiding something