If I could even i would have asked Eyra to be my mistress
This manga is literally healing me by it's cuteness
I feel so bad for Dan, life has been hard on him. I hope he will find happiness with or without jaekyung
My god why the hell him losing his cool was so hot?
I cried sm reading this chapter. I never had anyone who i could talk to like this and open up. My dad never gave fuck about his daughters and hated pur existence and my mom hated seeing us cry, she had her own issues so I can't blame her. Me and my sister are close but I don't like to burden her with me more than i already i am. I have been bottling things up for years and i don't even dare to cry infront of anyone, scared that i will get hit or screamed for crying or been pain in ass. I know it won't, not everyone is smar but i have have been conditioned not to show my sadness and pain. I hope one day i will at least find one person I could talk without feeling all this complicated feelings.
Hahahahaha this kind shit I was waiting for!! Go Kim Dan! You are on fire!!
I thought ML was strange which he is but Mc's reactions and his facial expressions are sometimes weird and spooky. I might be reading too much into it but something feels off about this whole situation or I'm just paranoid who knows but so far I'm really liking this.
I'm waiting for the chapter to drop quickly~ i can't wait to see what will happen next
Okay someone spoil me when does he know Eyar is his mate. I want to know!!
I don't understand people's complains. I means this is literally extras right now. You got how unhinged and black flag Tsar is but you still continue to read and complain that he is black flag? Just say you love misery and love to complain at this stage now.
Aw my heart broke when he started crying baby don't cry
My boy Kim Dan you are doing great, in so proud of you for being so strong