13 11,2020
13 11,2020
13 11,2020
13 11,2020
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13 11,2020
13 11,2020
13 11,2020
13 11,2020
13 11,2020
13 11,2020
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13 11,2020
13 11,2020
13 11,2020
archive of this list is here: https://cryptpad.fr/sheet/#/2/sheet/view/RqfqY-drJrCRIKkuLrB9BFgmXIVAyz1q8HF2tZnw+9U/embed/
it's not optimized for mobile viewing so i suggest u use a pc to view it!
1. The page loads really slowly, don't panic. It leads to an excel sheet.
2. If it asks if u want to store it, choose whichever option.
3. Now you can view it!
i might update the link from time to time so bookmark it if u still want to keep up with my list lol
12 11,2020