Cale = our hot handsome smart mc is currently 18 years old
Lock = our cute wolf boy is 13 years old
Choi Han = our original cute strong mc is 60+ years old although his outer appearance looks really young (This is not a spoiler, it's mentioned in the first chapter of the manhwa that he spent DECADES inside the forest of darkness, so yes, our Choi Han is older than Ron aka Cale's butler. The reason for his young outer appearance or his slow aging is explained in the novel)
Rosalyn = our smart Rosalyn is currently 22 years old
Black Dragon =Since our best boy's name hasn't been revealed yet, imma stick to calling him black dragon for now. Our great and mighty dragon is currently 4 years old
On and Hong = Our cute siblings from the cat tribe are 10 and 7 years old respectively.
Alberu = ahhhh the sun of the roan kingdom! Our guy Alberu is currently 23 years old
2021-07-25 18:05 marked
From someone who went through quite a lot of research to learn Japanese I feel like these methods can be followed for learning any Language. Again, this is just my experience. So to get started, my go to option would be duolingo. I switch to duolingo whenever I'm feeling a little unmotivated as well. However I don't think you'll be able to learn......
2021-07-25 17:43 marked
2021-07-25 16:19 marked
2021-07-23 02:40 marked
2021-07-19 22:01 marked
2021-07-18 23:20 marked
2021-07-17 01:45 marked
2021-07-16 21:12 marked
2021-07-16 13:01 marked
Shout out to dear benjamin author who contacted scanlator about illegal uploads, so scanlator decide to put a campaign, they will only post new chapters if the author's coffee on ko-fi reached certain amount and it did!!! See the difference between how adult handle things and how a psycho does?
2021-07-16 03:13 marked
2021-07-15 22:35 marked
2021-07-15 22:34 marked
2021-07-15 22:25 marked
2021-07-15 22:15 marked
2021-07-14 20:05 marked
2021-07-14 20:03 marked
their ages incase some manhwa only readers missed it or are unaware: Cale ...