Hana <3 June 27, 2017 8:53 pm

:'( sooooo beautiful
i truely wish to find such happiness and such love in my life
really amaaaaazing story. Truely perfect and sooo realistic i love it <3 <3 <3

Hana <3 June 20, 2017 1:26 pm

That was the most beautiful and cutest confession i have ever seen i just wish they would end up together cause they are soo perfect for each other and they actually understand the pain of each other
i just want them to end up together :'(

Hana <3 June 7, 2017 10:24 pm

what the fuuuuuuuck
so Yoo Won was 100% gay and yet he was acting all pethatic and tortured by the relationship
Fuck now i really hate him

    Anonymous June 7, 2017 10:47 pm

    Girl, do you know how hard it's to come out to your parents? Especially if you're the only son of a single mom in a homophobic country? Think before you write something stupid.

    manganiME June 7, 2017 11:09 pm

    I don't get why you are mad? It's clear that Yoo Won really cares for HeeB but has issues with mom, studying, distrust, etc. What do you mean pathetic and tortured? He is conflicted and it hurts him to lose HeeB (who he thought would still be there for him when he eased up his life).

    Yoo Won's backstory shows us how he is a loner, how he was bullied, how he learned he was gay, how he learned from Hyung to play the game and win, which mean discarding people (and he has done that) who are no longer essential to the plan.

    What screwed him up is that he realized HeeB WAS essential, and he misjudged the situation. He really cares for him.

    Anonymous June 7, 2017 11:20 pm
    Girl, do you know how hard it's to come out to your parents? Especially if you're the only son of a single mom in a homophobic country? Think before you write something stupid. @Anonymous

    Um, look at the tag of where this person is from? My first reaction would NOT be to think that this OP does NOT know how hard it is to come out to your friends and family in a homophobic country. Just sayin'.

    Anonymous June 7, 2017 11:25 pm
    Um, look at the tag of where this person is from? My first reaction would NOT be to think that this OP does NOT know how hard it is to come out to your friends and family in a homophobic country. Just sayin'. @Anonymous

    So, I'm thinking that there is probably ANOTHER reason as to why they said what they said....

    Hana <3 June 8, 2017 11:15 am
    I don't get why you are mad? It's clear that Yoo Won really cares for HeeB but has issues with mom, studying, distrust, etc. What do you mean pathetic and tortured? He is conflicted and it hurts him to lose Hee... manganiME

    I know he cant tell his mum i understand that beleive me but im mad because he was never there for HB even though he know how lonlier he is and how messed up his relationship with his only relative his father and yet even though he has such a loving mother he was acting selfish... I know he cant come clean about the relationship but at least be a little considerate to a person who thinks that he only has you in this fucked up world
    i kbow its awfull of me but im on HB side from the start and thats why i lushed like that
    im sorry guys

    manganiME June 8, 2017 8:42 pm
    I know he cant tell his mum i understand that beleive me but im mad because he was never there for HB even though he know how lonlier he is and how messed up his relationship with his only relative his father a... Hana <3

    Oh, I totally love HeeB and hate how YooWon broke up with him. I went back and forth wondering just how manipulative this guy can be. But lots of people have breaking points. YooWon hardly even goes home. He studies and studies and studies so he can be a doctor and save his mother, who he's terrified will die from neglecting her health. I can sympathize with that triple stress: money problems, mother seriously ill, school pressure. He simply felt he could not give HeeB time. He had none to give.

    And he figured he'd give HeeB attention when the pressure eased. BUT....as he told his mom in"code"...it didn't turn out that way. He regrets breaking up.

    HeeB has family problems, but he has money and he doesn't give a shit about studying. YooWon's mom is killing herself to provide him a home and education, and YooWon can't slack. He also can't put any more pressure on her or she might die (he thinks).

    Of course, communication is a big deal in their relationship. YooWon doesn't express his love the way HeeB needs and HeeB is emotionally needy, and he can let that out with Jumi.

    I have things I"m angry with with YooWon, but I also think this is a guy with a father who was a criminal (maybe abusive, not sure), and a mom overworked, and without money around kids with money, bullied, and all he knows is he'd better WIN this game or his mom is done and he's done.

    I can see a person kinda of breaking up out of sheer stress with all that pressure and history....

Hana <3 June 5, 2017 10:53 am

Why cant i find the chapters i got the notification for update but the last chapter is 22

Hana <3 April 9, 2017 3:58 pm

Fuck fuck fuuuuuuck
this is why i hate ongoing mangas
i know that he will try to protect him and get hurt instead but i cant wait for another chapter
aaaaargh i wish i could read korean and japanese :'(

    Anonymous April 9, 2017 4:07 pm

    Dont worry the two of them will be safe i saw the raw's . I thought too that siwon is going to get hurt but thank god i was wrong

Hana <3 March 26, 2017 8:16 pm

This has to be a joke the only one that i liked so far is gonna die ┗( T﹏T )┛
Fuck i hate this
I want Ray to survive with Norman

Hana <3 March 25, 2017 8:46 pm

please can someone explain to me what the fuck happened
whose parents died and how long has it been
this is the first time that i understand nothing

    jgolll March 25, 2017 8:58 pm

    Law´s parents died while Jesse´s parents are still alive. Jesse´s parents died in Moritat only so they are alive in reality. Jesse and Law got separated for 5 years and this is the first time they meet since then. Anything else?

    Rasenka March 25, 2017 8:59 pm

    Laws parents died and I think he staged it with Jesse's mom that way Law could like get closer to Jesse maybe to do the experiment on him or something like that and Jesse must have figured out and banned him and then five years later he shows up and gives him tea and that must have put him in the whole giant Moritat scenario.

    Anonymous March 25, 2017 9:13 pm
    Laws parents died and I think he staged it with Jesse's mom that way Law could like get closer to Jesse maybe to do the experiment on him or something like that and Jesse must have figured out and banned him an... Rasenka

    No, Law didn´t stage anything when they were still together. Jesse banned him only because he didnt want Law to become a pawn of his mothers

    Rasenka March 26, 2017 2:54 am
    No, Law didn´t stage anything when they were still together. Jesse banned him only because he didnt want Law to become a pawn of his mothers @Anonymous

    But like in one chapter it shows him with his mom's bloody dress she was wearing when she died so like yeet but if I misunderstood dat then oops

    Vel post March 26, 2017 10:19 am
    But like in one chapter it shows him with his mom's bloody dress she was wearing when she died so like yeet but if I misunderstood dat then oops Rasenka

    You misunderstood that yup

Hana <3 February 3, 2017 12:50 am

Its 1:42 am i have class at 8am and ijust couldnt stop till i read ths 19 chapters
its torturing aaaagh i want an update right now
i looooove it
i like how its pdogressing slowly but i just wished if only he realised sooner and never called.him disgusting

    szd February 4, 2017 8:08 pm

    Your in the exact situation as me lol i started reading this manga at 6am and now its 7am... I better leave this house im 30 min for school...

    Digi February 5, 2017 12:47 am


Hana <3 January 22, 2017 10:48 pm

Well now its either he is gonna save his lofe so they can be reunited or he is gonna seal his fate by trying to save him he is going to send him to his death
either way i love it
sooo beatiful and innocent <3

Hana <3 January 13, 2017 10:47 pm

I have a feeling that Ray loves Emma thats why he wants to protect her till the end by lying to her and he lied to Norman about being able to flip sides just to suit his benefits when in reality he has been suffering for six years alone for the sake of those two
he probably lied to Norman because of jealousy since Norman could be soo honest about his feelings and he couldn't
Sorry if i turned such an amzing and exciting manga and cool caracters into lovey dovey ones. But its just that i love every part of it

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