Ok.. so rin has levelled up 10 times in this match.. I get that they wanted to show that this rivalry was very important for his evolution, but the steps isagi take r way more interesting comparatively… his thought processes cross and the ego r interesting..
With all that being said, just please score the goal in the next chapter… I want to see everyone’s reactions!!

Hey guys lumer didn’t actually oversleep lol.. he was just joking..
He was watching over them from afar since raon can sense him, when they defeated the previous Eden guy , he was reassured and left , and then again he came back .

Yeah idk...that's even worse imo. That's the point at which theyve spent their energy already and are much more vulnerable, so I would argue that that's the crucial moment when they do need to be watched, especially with it being their first mission. Idk where all his supposed experience has gone but this is just giving rookie mistake. If his decision making and lack of responsibility is this bad, then he never shouldve been appointed an instructor in the first place. Value the lives of your students a bit more goddang
A soft alpha who has reasoning and also thinks about how to explain to omegas parents !! What more green flag do we need !!