They all look like fucked-up Ken dolls, maybe author should go easy on those clip paint studio 3d model assets
When male relatives get praised by the story but no one gives a fuck about mom. Like, poor woman was cornered and neglected all her live and never experienced love, and after all that she still cares about her biological child a little bit despite never seeing her once but all she gets is a cold shoulder from MC. What she did was bad but what deadbeat emperor did was even worse. Meanwhile when it’s about guys it’s “teehee look at all these doting brothers that instantly care about mc, her real father didn’t gave a fuck but now he is and emperor obsessed about adopting MC but her mom? Haha fuck this bitch, let her rot in jail LOL”
If it was a oneshot porn bl doujin with no plot whatsoever
Otherwise its just fucking cringe inducing
can we go back to that dog reincarnation drama or whataver, at least it’s more interesting that another jooin/yahwi cringetalk
I don't care about actual plot, drama or whatever...
I just want to see this twink being pounded into oblivion by the huge ass fucking cock
Did you forget the chapter where he threatened to sell omega into brothel and almost had him raped by old ugly alphas? Oh and omega was crying, shaking and begging for mercy the whole time?
Well I remembered that for sure
when they had "normal sex" in the hotel they couldn't get in in, but when he got assaulted in the bathroom it slipped in just fine? what the hell was that...
This Cain chapter is the cringiest fucking shit i've ever read in my entire life (⊙…⊙ )
Until seme balls suddenly exploded and we had that weird ass rapey scene, felt rushed as hell.
That whole kidnapping and raping sequence felt so surrealistic and unnecessary.
If he wanted to keep mc from being endangered, does he REALLY need to put him into fucking scp containment room and have sex with him against his will???