Hwan's not a vampire anymore?

Hwan is a not a vampire anymore. Sooin's blood was rare "pure blood" that poisoned Hwan by making him mortal and taking away his vampire powers. That's why at the end, his blood couldn't save Sooin. Hwan used Seungha's blood to save Sooin and that's when he woke up to Hwan dying. Sooin gave Hwan his blood, thus making Hwan his link. As we have seen with Hwan's old Link (forgot his name), Hwan and Sooin are now both immortal.
I feel like there is a reason why he did all of the bad things to our baby. And he seem like he is not a bad person. And he is so sexy...
how? how can u find him sexy? write 10,0000 letters on your padpaper of explanation.