Forg shared experience about question
kinda surprised that it came out better than anything the I drew seriously
Forg asked question about porn and genres

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . was bored so I decide to try and watch 1guy and 1jar and Tbh I was expecting to feel nauseous after that but I just felt more confused and a little grossed out If you aren't comfortable with blood or gore in general I don't suggest watching it Or just don't watch it in general Anyways I w......

Forg answered question about push each other to achieve
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Forg asked question about make a picrew

Forg answered question about love
Not really I mean u used to basically all the time bc I would be here and post here all the time But I don't as much now and I only come here to read most if the time But yeah I have plenty friends that came from mg Mostly bc they started talking to me lol
Forg answered question about question
Forg answered question about making friends
you could've at least said something interesting if you were just doing this for attention