solstice asked a question
solstice asked a question

Has “High pulse” been dropped?

solstice asked a question

Can you recommend me bls that are underrated or you feel like people don’t appreciate them? Preferably colored. I feel like I’ve read almost everything here :///

solstice asked a question

do you know any bls where one is poor and the other is rich? Preferably colored

solstice asked a question

Underrated bls? Colored pls

solstice asked a question

Can you recommend some of the smuttiest stuff you’ve read? Doesn’t matter if it’s straight or not

solstice followed a list
solstice asked a question

Are there any new colored bls?

solstice asked a question
solstice followed a list
solstice asked a question

Does anyone know the name of this? It was a colored smut basically, a woman was kidnapped by a gang and had sex with the boss?

solstice asked a question

any short shounen ai? Would be great if it were colored

solstice asked a question

Basically p0rn, woman was kidnapped by yakuza?

solstice asked a question

are there some good new manhwas?

solstice asked a question

recommend me good bls as long as they’re colored? Lol idk why but i just cant read black and white ones :///

solstice asked a question
solstice asked a question

colored and completed bls?